====== Excavator ====== The Excavator job is based around mining, digging, and smelting! **Worlds: Resource** **Pay Actions: ** Break: Stone, Hardened Clay, Stained Clay, Deepslate, Diorite, Granite, Andesite, Calcite, Tuff, Obsidian, Moss Stone, Ores, Amethyst, Dirt, Coarse Dirt, Podzol, Grassm Mycelium, Gravel, Sand, Red Sand, Clay Smelt: Coal, Redstone, Iron Ingot, Copper Ingot, Lapis Lazuli, Gold Ingot, Emerald, Diamond **Custom Recipes:** None Related McMMo Skills: Excavation, Mining **Level Bonuses: ** Level 100 Title: Mole\\ Level 200 Title: Excavator **Other Notes: ** To be paid for smelting, the furnace must be registered. They automatically register when you use it, but there is a hard limit of 16. To unregister all furnaces, use /jobs clearownership. Smelting is the only job action which pays on Towny. Mining or digging only pay while on the resource server.