{{https://imgur.com/LLg3zTW.png?nolink&800x300}} ====== Basic Island Commands ====== ---- ^Command^Usage^| |/is preview|Preview starter islands| | |/is create|Creates a new Island| | |/is delete|Deletes your island| | |/is setspawn|Set your Island Teleport Location| | |/is invite|Invite a player to live on your island| | |/is coop|Play in Coop in your island| | |/is & /island|Opens Island Control Panel| | |/is go & /is tp|Teleports you to your island| | |/is Visit|Visit other islands| | |/is upgrade|Opens Island Upgrade Menu| | |/is leaderboard|Displays Top Islands| | |/is challenge|View Island challenges to complete| | |/is open & /is close|Toggle island public acess| | |/is bank|Opens the island bank menu| | |/is vote|Vote for the island| | ====== Other Commands ====== ---- ^Command^Usage^Access at which rank?| |/rules|Shows the rules of the server!|Fallen| |/tpa|Sends a request to teleport to a specified player|Fallen| |/tpahere|Sends a request for that player to teleport to you|Lightweight| |/bal|Shows your balance|Fallen| |/buy|Brings up the categories of items you can buy from the Maestrea store|Fallen| |/vote|Displays commands you can use for voting on our server|Fallen| |/bp|Opens your backback (extra storage)|Fallen| |/boosters|Shows the currently activated boosters|Fallen| |/trails|Access the trails you have bought on the Maestrea store or in-game!|Fallen| |/chatcolor|Opens a menu that allows you to change your chatcolor|Fallen| |/enchants|Displays the server's custom enchants and what they do|Fallen| |/disguise|Shows your current disguises|Fallen| |/fly|Toggles your fly!|Zephyr| |/gf|Fixes ghost blocks|Fallen| |/if|Filters out items from entering your inventory|Fallen| |/hdb|Get custom heads from the Head Database!|Fallen| |/hoppercount|Check how many hoppers there are in your local vicinity|Fallen| |/iteminfo|Shows information on the item that you are holding|Fallen| |/pay|Pays a player the amount of money specified|Fallen| |/rank|Shows your rank, playtime, and more|Fallen| |/ranks|Shows the ranks available in-game|Fallen| |/title|Pick from the titles you own and click on one to display it in chat|Fallen| |/re|Refreshes enchantments on an item|Fallen| |/uptime|Shows how long the server has been up since the last server restart|Fallen| |/home|View your current homes set|Fallen|