
Hello, and welcome to the wonderful world of brews!
This may not be Hogwarts, but we do have a lot of fun!

Are you interested in any of the following?

Becoming drunk!
Staggering, drunk chat, potion effects and more!
Making brews with useful effects!
Learning the process of brewing with various steps
Refining your brews to make them perfect!
Becoming a brew master?

If you answered yes to any of these, you're in the right place!​

What are the benefits of brewing? What is brewing?

Brewing is a fun and relaxing way to have fun with friends, especially when trying to figure out the recipe to mystery brews! It's kind-of like a spin-off on potion creation, but it involves drunkenness, slurred speech, and the partial inability to control your character. Some brews can also be beneficial, such as positive buffs that may help you with mining!

Depending on the recipe, the whole process can be difficult and time consuming. Some recipes may need high precision when it comes to ingredients or any other step in the process. If one step was not good enough, the quality of the brews may suffer, leading to negative side effects.

Instructions for brewing:

Depending on the Recipe, some Steps may not be needed, the following instruction describes the common procedure of brewing.


Step one consists of Fermenting the fresh Ingredients.

  1. Place Cauldron over a Fire or other heat source
  2. Fill it with water
  3. Add Ingredients with a rightclick
  4. Wait a few minutes while they ferment
  5. Fill in glass bottles

Use a clock on a cauldron, if you want to know the time the ingredients have been fermenting.


Some Recipes don't need distilling.

  1. Put the bottle with ferment into the brewing stand
  2. Put glowstone dust as filter on top into the brewing stand (The filter will not be consumed)


A barrel is needed for aging.

Minecraft Barrel

The Minecraft-Barrel can be used for aging of a few brews. Simply craft and place the barrel und put the brews inside.

You can also build bigger barrels. They can be built in two ways:

Small barrel

Use 8 wooden stairs to build a barrel shape.

Place a Sign on the lower right side and write “Barrel” in the upper Line:

Message “Barrel created” should appear.

Big barrel

Use 5 Fences, 16 Wooden stairs, and 18 wood planks to build a barrel shape. Attach a Spigot (Fence) and a Sign that has “Barrel” written on the first Line:

Message “Barrel created” should appear
You may remove the Sign from the Big Barrel after creating it.

Open the Barrel by clicking on it.

Put the Bottles into the Barrels for aging.
Depending on the Recipe, the Type of wood used for building the barrel may alter the quality of the aged Brew.

The vanilla minecraft barrel is always of wood type oak.

The Barrel should not be destroyed while aging, as it would leak the brews.


The Amount of Alcohol inside the Brew will be applied to the player when drinking. Depending on the quality of it, that may have different effects.

Brew Sealing - for shop plugins

You can just give your created Brews to other Players and they might even put them back into a Barrel to keep ageing them. But most Shop-Plugins require sold items to be exactly equal and this is where sealing comes in. Imagine it like putting a seal on the bottle.

Getting Sober

After drinking it takes a while until the alcohol is completely gone. During that time the alcohol level is steadily decreasing. To Sober up faster, drink milk or eat bread
If the alcohol was not of best quality, you may face some bad type of hangover (slowness and hunger).


Important Information

All information taken from the Brewery plugin wiki.