

Hitting a naturally spawned mob yields experience according to the damage you deal to the mob multiplied by its XP multiplier.

Passive Abilities:

Iron Arm work

Iron Arm increases the damage dealt when hitting mobs or players with your fists.

Arrow Deflect

Arrow Deflect is a passive ability that gives you a chance to deflect arrows shot by Skeletons or other players. The arrow will fall harmlessly to the ground.

Iron Grip

Iron Grip is a passive ability that counters disarm. As your unarmed level increases, the chance of preventing a disarm increases.


This passive ability allows players to disarm other players, causing the target's equipped item to fall to the ground.

Active Abilities:


Beserk is an active ability that is activated by right-clicking. While in Beserk mode, you deal 50% more damage and you can break weak materials instantly, such as Dirt and Grass.

To read this guide on the server type /unarmed ? [page]