Player Warps

What is a player warp?

A player warp is a warp created and maintained by a player.

How do I use a Player Warp?

To see all the player warps on a server, do /pwarp. This will pull up the in game menu for you to look at. From there you can click on a warp to teleport to its location.

If you know the name of the warp you wish to go to, you can also use /pwarp (warpname)

You can only see and visit player warps on the same server as you.

How do I create a player warp?

Each player can create one player warp per server.

Warps cost $35,000 to create

To create a new player warp do /pwarp set (warpname).

To create a player warp use /pwarp set (warp name)

Warps can be moved after creation and the name, icon, and description changed at any time.