

Passive Abilities:


Brewing ingredients into potions takes less time the higher your Alchemy skill, beyond level 100.


Concoctions allows brewing of more potions with custom ingredients. Which special ingredients are unlocked is determined by your Rank. There are 8 ranks to unlock.

Potion Name
Potion EffectIngredientUnlock LevelTypeInformation
Potion of Water BreathingWater BreathingLilypad1Buff
Allows breathing underwater
Potion of HasteHasteCarrot250BuffIncreases mining speed
Potion of DullnessMining FatigueSlimeball250DebuffDecreases mining speed
Potion of AbsorptionAbsorptionNether Quartz375BuffApplies 2 additional hearts (per level) that disappear upon damage.
Potion of LeapingJump BoostRed Mushroom375Buff
Increases jump height
Potion of Health BoostHealth BoostApple500Buff
Applies 2 refillable hearts per level
Potion of HungerHungerRotten Flesh500DebuffDepletes the hunger bar at a faster rate
Potion of NauseaNauseaBrown Mushroom625DebuffMakes the user's vision swirl (like entering a Nether portal)
Potion of BlindnessBlindnessInc Sack625DebuffDecreases the user's range of vision
Potion of SaturationSaturationFern750BuffCauses the user's hunger bar to increase without the consumption of food.
Potion of DecayWitherPoisonous Potato875DebuffDamage over time, much like burning or poison.
Potion of ResistanceResistanceGolden Apple (regular)1000BuffApplies a 20% damage reduction per level

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