Shady Trader

Who is the Shady Trader?

The Shady Trader, known as simply “Shady”, is a travelling merchants who stops by the Towny spawn twice every month. His hard to find wares attract players from all over Maestrea. Many conspiracies have arisen regarding his never ending stock and where the items could possibly be coming from. The speculation has led to the Shady Trader being one of the most feared and mysterious citizens of Maestrea.

What do he do?

The Shady Trader sails into the Towny spawn on the first of every month, and again sometime later in the month. He offers many items of interest, such as Relics, Arcanas, Keys, Essences and many more. You can access his shop by clicking on him on his boat at the /shady warp.

In fact, he is so mysterious that he doesn’t appear to be there in the picture given by our expert photographer. Is the Shady Trader a vampire??

What does he sell?

ToolsPriceBuy Limit
Tungsten Pick$100,0001
Tungsten Axe$100,0001
Tungsten Shovel$100,0001
Tungsten Sword$100,0001
Tungsten Hoe$100,0001
Tungsten Rod$100,0001
Tungsten Battle Axe$100,0001
Tungsten Bow$100,0001
Silky Thread$90032
Repair Gems x3$2,55022
MiscPriceBuy Limit
Relic Essence$5,00032
Clay Head$60010
Slime Bone x8$1558
McMMO Book x4$2,400125
Mythic Bottle$17,00010
Sea Lantern$75036
End Portal Frame$4,00012
The All Powerful Tuna$5008
The Bountiful Tuna$5008
KeysPriceBuy Limit
Title Key$250,0004
Vote Key x4$3,2008
Common Key$2,60032
Uncommon Key$4,80032
Rare Key$12,00016
Mythic Key$50,0008
Maestrean Key$220,0005
CosmeticsPriceBuy Limit
Shady Title (color varies by month)$235,0001
Blue Chat Color$520,0001
Trail - Soul$750,0001
Trail - Glow Squid$750,0001

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