2011 334,825 2008-2010 0 The Family Foundation of Virginia Medical emergencies. In its support of WCF, E&PPC has been joined by Fieldstead and Company, the major philanthropic vehicle for anti-LGBT rights funder Howard Ahmanson. 2012 77,600 2013 177,877 (South Tampa Fellowship). The South Tampa Fellowship Church main website does not specify that its Celebrate Recovery program can cure same-sex attraction.That program maintains its own website, distinct from the churchs website, and a search for the word homosexual on the Celebrate Recovery South Tampa Fellowship Church website produces no results at all. Listed on 2023-03-02. It's a relationship more powerful than poverty changing their life and yours! 2006 6,700 2004 245,445 ( 50K AFA Radio ) 2012 35,450 compassion international lgbt 2009 144,500 2008 22,500 By contrast, the activities of the foundations whose heads attend the yearly conference known as The Gathering can be readily traced through funding patterns in the 990 tax forms that those foundations file yearly with the Internal Revenue Service, and also through audio archives of sessions from the yearly The Gathering conference going back to 1996. Citizens For Community Values That is the high priest of our culture., Shrewdly, Eldridge continued, we need to show why society needs to make certain demands on people sexually. He said that public perception has to be changed. Often we lead the person to speak the commands. Acknowledge God as the Creator and Governor over His creation (Genesis 1:1) 2008 190,400 More recently, the Alliance Defense Fund / Alliance Defending Freedom has become a leader in the American Christian rights international export and encouragement of anti-LGBT legislation. 2002 2,284 These kids are in desperate need of the basics like food, water and medicine. Of particular interest in terms of LGBT rights, this biblical worldview includes the vision of implementing some version of biblical (mosaic) law including laws against homosexuality. Promotes conferences that seek to change gay people, Admits: I believe homosexuality is harmful to all, including society, and is against the teachings of the God of the Bible, Equates homosexuality with bestiality and adultery: The Judeo-Christian worldview at the heart of Western culture and so our legal and governmental systems (Ten Commandments, an eye for an eye, the very concepts of mercy, justice and rehabilitation) promotes marriage and family while decrying other modes of sexuality homosexuality, bestiality, adultery, etc, Uses skewed research from activists who share his view to claim that gay men can change from homosexual to heterosexual orientation and that homosexual orientation is not an immutable fact of nature or Creation., IFI President Smith has testified before the Indiana House in favor of a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage (see: http://thinkprogress.org/lgbt/2014/01/22/3195191/indiana-house-committee-advances-constitutional-amendment-banning-sex-marriage/). 2007 25,900 2013 208,554, Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (EIN 541829289). (http://www.transform-world.net/newsletters/2013/Global414Summit.pdf). Homelessness. 2007 113,200 2001 5,000 Anderson has come to occupy an increasingly prominent position among those in the anti-LGBT rights movement attempting to establish intellectually defensible arguments against same-sex marriage and in April 2014 made the claim that same-sex marriage is an elite luxury good bought for on the backs of the poor. (see Heritage Foundation entry), The same 2014 Ivy League Christian Observer features a sympathetic, in-depth portrait of Kyle Duncan, who is the lead attorney for the Hobby Lobby stores in a case that challenges provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and which is due to be decided by U.S. Supreme Court in Summer 2014. Louis Palau Association Moving Toward a Political Economy of Neo-Pentecostalism in Kenya (from the Journal of Religion in Africa #43 (2013) 108-130, published by Brill), [T]he AIC actively fostered neo-Pentecostal ideas, for example through the AIC press publication of Delivered from the Powers of Darkness by the influential Nigerian evangelist Emmanuel Eni, which gave a personal account of Enis time as a witch and his redemption through his acceptance of Jesus (Ogembo 2001). 2003 10,000 In a March 27, 2014 statement, Samaritans Purse President and CEO Franklin Graham praised World Vision U.S.A. for receiving a decision to employ individuals in same-sex marriages: World Vision has reversed their decision to employ individuals who are in same-sex marriages, after an onslaught of negative reaction. 2004 2,000 2010 18,000 2009 512,200 2011 131,100 2007 5,000 2001 18,000 It feels hopeless and unchangeable. 2005 55,800 Stemberger has stated that Florida LGBT activists working for a Jacksonville sexual nondiscrimination ordinance are a radical group of political operatives who want to force their aberrant views on human sexuality upon the rest of society by the mandate and penalty of law. (see: http://www.glaad.org/blog/who-john-stemberger-and-whats-really-driving-his-boy-scouts-crusade). LGBTQI+ people may also experience rejection from families, religious communities, and other social networks. 2010 23,700 2006 155,000 2005 2,500 Ethics and Public Policy Center Staff members have appeared throughout local and national media on such programs as The 700 Club, The Oprah Winfrey Show, ABCs World News Tonight, Good Morning America, MTV, The Sally Show, Geraldo, TBN, local and national radio programs. (see: https://www.portlandfellowship.com/history.php), 2007 37,500 In footage promoted by the Luis Palau Association, Oyet can be seen praying over and laying hands on Andrew Palau; Oyet is also a featured member of Luis Palaus Next Generation Alliance. 2003 85,750 Before sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal government site. With at least 49 dead and another 50 injured, this hate crime is being called the worst mass shooting in U.S. history. 2010 15,480 No. Minnesota Family Institute and Council A video of the event is available for download from the AMA LGBT Advisory Committee. All rights reserved. 2013 12,050, Ethics and Public Policy Center (EIN 52-1162185), The Ethics and Public Policy Center advertises itself as dedicated to applying the Judeo-Christian moral tradition to critical issues of public policy. Bethany Christian Will Allow LGBT Parents to Foster and Adopt 2012 236,763, Watoto Child Care Ministry (EIN 59-3445250). Oyet himself claims to have helped co-author Ugandas Anti Homosexuality Bill, and First Lady Janet Museveni is widely rumored to be the biggest political force behind the bill. Raising funds, from The Gatherings deep-pocketed investors, to implement that plan was a program manager for the Maclellan Foundation one of the most significant foundations at The Gathering and central to the creation of the National Christian Foundation. For all practical purposes, The Family and The Gathering can be considered the same, conjoined entity. Headed by current Council for National Policy board member L. Brent Bozell III, the Media Research Center in 2006 launched, as a sub-project, Robert H. Knights Culture and Media Institute. 20012006 0 2009 248,935 2012 114,610, Regeneration Ministries/Regeneration, Inc. (EIN 52-1244128). Russian NGOs associated with the Yakunins have been in the forefront of Russias family values war on LGBT rights. In a 2011 op-ed, Dr. David Noebel (who stepped down from heading Summit Ministries that year) railed against Obama and his radical homosexual mafia plan to sodomize the world and make such perversion seem as wholesome as apple pie and vanilla ice cream. (see: http://www.worldviewweekend.com/worldview-times/article.php?articleid=7843). The Liberty Institute We would sing, dance, and eat a lot. 2005 15,700 2012 28,500 To return to list, use your browsers back button. 2008 817,000 Many critics doubted journalist Sharlets dark depictions of The Family a subject especially hard to research given that it functions through informal relational networks and because, following publication of Sharlets first book on The Family, the Billy Graham center restricted access to its extensive archive of Family-related documents that had formed the research backbone of Sharlets book. Leviticus 20:13 states: If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. 2010 5,750 On June 12, 2016, the popular gay dance club Pulse in Orlando was the site of a mass shooting by one assailant. 2008 10,300 2009 306,780 2006 2,950 2010 8,600 But amidst the move of Exodus International away from its previous endorsement of reparative therapy, the Portland Fellowship was one of the ex-gay ministries which broke away from Exodus to form the hard-line Restored Hope Network of which Portland Fellowship head Jason Thompson was an original board member. As stated by President Biden in his February 2021 Memorandum, All human beings should be treated with respect and dignity and should be able to live without fear no matter who they are or whom they love. USAID is committed to advancing the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex (LGBTQI+) people around the world and meaningfully including them in development programming. 2006 0 2007 0 Kennedy grew up in a well-known slum outside of Nairobi, Kenya called Mathare. A new ex-gay umbrella organization, the Restored Hope Network, is positioned to fill the niche once occupied by Exodus. 2012 1,223,550 Christian Union also promotes the religious rights typical slate of positions opposition to legal abortion and stem cell research and support of sexual abstinence and Intelligent Design. The California School Project co-partners with the Pacific Justice Institute to evangelize in California schools. Until his death, the Conservative Caucus was headed by Howard Phillips, founder of the Christian Reconstructionism-linked Constitution Party (originally the U.S. Taxpayers Party). However, our primary focus is individual child developmentan inside-out, bottom-up approach that recognizes the God-given value and potential of each individual child. 2007 1,000 So, the perception of grass-roots organizing, or home rule, is critical. . Regeneration Ministries The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 against the Christian Legal Society, that a CLS chapter at a public law school could only be recognized by the school if it allowed non-Christians and gays to become chapter leaders. Not even animals can avoid the fiery passion of mans sexual lust. (see: http://www.eaec.org/bibleanswers/ake_green_sermon.htm). 2007 5,500 To go to the entry for any given organization, clink on the links below. 2009 1,500 2013 27,000, Total 140,600 (The NCF has also given $721,211 to In Touch Mission International, sister ministry of Frontline Fellowship), As one description put it, The Georgia Family Council is your typical anti-gay organization: supporting legislation to ban gay marriage and calling the legalization of gay marriage regression. (see: http://www.policymic.com/articles/12219/all-the-anti-gay-companies-you-fund-when-you-spend-5-25-on-a-chick-fil-a-sandwich), 2001 44,200 Set up your online account. Over the last decade ADF lawyers emerged in the forefront of legal efforts to block same-sex marriage in states across the nation. 2011 6,000 Disclosure Statement. 2007 56,717 2010 550 If only you knew that one day I would go on and sponsor another kid in my community and be a source of hope to others. A representative of Advocates International,26 challenged the resolution on the basis that there was no consensus on the issue. (see: http://agi.ac.za/sites/agi.ac.za/files/2_case_study_sibongile_ndashe.pdf). The need to make conversion and discipleship an essential component of Christian 2009 3,000 2012 0, Christian Embassy EIN 95-6006173 ( CCC ministry, evangelizes on Capital Hill and in the Pentagon ), 2001 5,000 Natural disaster. The First Academy (of Central Florida) Compassion International leader Dan Brewster, Director of Holistic Child Development Academic Programs for Compassion International, has been in the forefront of the development of the 4/14 Window concept, as outlined in Brewsters 2011 Compassion International book Child, Church, and Mission (http://www.europeanea.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/dan_brewster_childchurchmission_revised-en-web.pdf) which features the same imperative, on indoctrinating children, as expressed in the quote above, from Wess Stafford. 2002 17,500 In 1983, the American Psychological Association had dropped Cameron from its membership for a violation of the [APA] Preamble to the Ethical Principles of Psychologists; In 1985, the American Sociological Association adopted a resolution that stated, Dr. 2013 166,250. After graduating from Covenant College, an elite fundamentalist Presbyterian school (We are a community committed to the Bible as the inerrant Word of God, and everything we do is grounded in our Reformed theology and worldview) which over the years has received heavy funding from the Maclellan Foundation, the young Michael Cromartie was chosen to serve as Charles Colsons special assistant for Prison Fellowship Ministries (see: http://www.ttf.org/mr-michael-cromartie ). 2004 104,200 Joining the presentation, Family Research Council head Tony Perkins declared the gay rights movement to be the second greatest America faced, second only to militant Islam. 2011 2,750 12. 2006 65,000 Philadelphia Biblical University We believe our sponsors and donors are best served when their dollars are quickly put to use releasing children from poverty, not sitting unnecessarily idle in an account. 2009 5,000 American Center For Law and Justice AIM was conceived from the efforts of Scottish missionary Peter Cameron Scott, and launched its missions and church-planting work with an 1895 expedition to Kenya, where AIM is particularly well established in Africa. 2004 293,700 A February 20, 2014 op-ed run on the Alabama Policy Institute website states (see: http://www.frc.org/state-policy-organizations). With a healed connection, you can walk in the destiny to which you have been called.. Click here to create an account if you live outside of the USA. 2003 66,500 Family Research Council ACLJ has established satellite legal centers active in Europe, Russia, and Africa, which fight against LGBT rights and legal abortion, and the religious rights traditional panoply of culture war issues (see: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/religious-right-freedom-and-liberty-group-aclj-backed-russian-gay-propaganda-and-blasphemy-b ). ), Louis Palau also has been an honorary co-chair of the National Day of Prayer Task Force, an organization dominated by NAR apostles from the International Coalition of Apostles (according to the NDPTFs 990 tax forms, which list multiple ICA apostles on the NDPTF board.). 2004 10,000 Desert Stream Ministries Fidelis Center For Law and Policy 2004 7,700 2006 10,800 2008 11,700 Is Compassion International a nonprofit organization? 2005 5,000 Along with Purpose Driven Life book author Rick Warren, Stafford was a featured speaker at The Gathering 2007. That place, or those places, may be inhabited by the demonica base of operations. (Freedom Tools, pages 76-77). 2003 234,392 2006 13,200 "This is not an endorsement of same-sex marriage. According to AFA 990 tax forms, the national American Family Association was at that time providing material assistance to its state-level affiliates. New Hope Charitable Foundation 2004 5,000 The mission is to redefine the family, to replace the Biblical meaning of manhood, and to remove all vestiges of Biblical patriarchy from society. But our relativistic everything-goes age does have one iron-clad rule: DO NOT apply biblical morality to social issues. In his book C Street: The Fundamentalist Threat To American Democracy (Little, Brown, 2010), Jeff Sharlet charged that the international neo-fundamentalist, Washington D.C.-based network known as The Family had helped to inspire Ugandas Anti Homosexuality Bill. E&PPC Vice President Michael Cromartie serves (along with Marvin Olasky and E&PPC fellow Herbert Schlossberg) on the advisory board of the Cornwall Alliance, which in recent years has depicted concern over global warming as part of a vast satanic conspiracy referred to as the green dragon. Many of prominent The Gathering participants and funders (such as Howard Ahmanson, Marvin Olasky, and Herb Schlossberg) have direct ties to leading Christian Reconstructionists, and numerous ministries funded by the National Christian Foundation are headed by signatories to the Coalition on Revival. GLAAD is collaborating with the St. Paul's Foundation for International Reconciliation, the Unitarian Universalist UN Office, Soulforce, and several other partners to present Compass to Compassion a consultation to present a common strategy to deal with the global impact of American Christian fundamentalism on rising LGBT global persecution. 2013 2,600, Indiana Family Institute (EIN 35-1790240). Why does Compassion focus on individual child development rather than broader community development work? 2003 210,325 2004 877,650 I will not send them away hungry" (Matthew 15.32). It means we lose the objective source of law. (see: http://truthxchange.com/articles/2013/07/02/laying-down-the-law-on-yoga-mats-and-marriage/), Jeff Ventrella, head of Blackstone Legal Fellowship for the Alliance Defense Fund, has appeared on the TruthXChange radio broadcast (see: http://truthxchange.com/media/2012/02/14/jeffery-ventrella-esquire-two-ism-and-the-law/), E. Calvin Beisner, who heads the climate change denialist religious coalition called the Cornwall Alliance (see: http://www.cornwallalliance.org/) has also appeared on the TruthXchange radio broadcast (http://truthxchange.com/media/2012/02/16/dr-cal-beisner-two-ism-and-politics/), Dr Peter Jones is one of the featured speakers on the Cornwall Alliances Resiting the Green Dragon video series, which paints efforrts to curb man-made climate change as in reality a conspiracy to create a satanic one-world government. As of January2019[update] the cost to sponsor a child through Compassion was US$38 per month, and globally there were over two million babies, children, and young adults in its programs. 2010 0 Hollywood serves up a steady diet of irresponsible sex and violence. , (see: http://www.twocare.org/transcript-the-gathering-1997-the-homosexual-agenda/). It is destroying the souls and lives of those who embrace it. , 2001 200,340 Christian Broadcast Network 2012 777,763 2003 122,700 2002 18,600 At a Spring 2010 Kampala, Uganda rally, Oyet told his audience, It is not Uganda putting a death penalty on homosexuals, it is God and his word! Now, listen to me the sodomy people, the homosexuals, are even more foolish than dogs. 2008 293,300 2008 2,444,840 But another speaker at the conference was even more significant, for having helped create the broader anti-LGBT rights strategy in which Lively has played an aggressive role. 2008 227,000 2007 2,171,275 As the SPLC describes, the Liberty Counsel is affiliated with Liberty University Law School in Lynchburg, Va., a legacy of the late conservative icon Jerry Falwell. Hagees decades-long career of fulmination against homosexuality and LGBT rights includes sermons with titled such as the 1996 sermon Homosexuality: Alternative or Abomination (see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iDAeQCUEYA) in which Hagee claimed that AIDS could be spread by mosquitoes and, quoting one alleged medical authority, asked, are you worried about your salad being served in a restaurant that employs homosexuals? Daystar Church The ceremony was presided over by Ugandan First Lady Janet Museveni. Sponsored children are selected by the sponsors from lists provided by the ministry, and two-way communication is encouraged between the sponsored child and the sponsor. Compassion International also pairs each child with one sponsor. According to DNA, Stephen Langa is the East Africa Coordinator (see: https://www.disciplenations.org/samaritan-strategy-budding-in-sudan/) for Samaritan Strategy Africa, a trans-African network, with at least six regional offices, that provides Christian worldview training. 2011 0 2007 6,000 Oyet (see: http://www.talk2action.org/story/2012/6/15/15356/9867) has helped propagate the most extreme anti-LGBT vilification in Uganda, including participating in Ugandan Martin Ssempas public screenings of fringe gay pornography. During Compassion's 65-plus years of development work, we've seen various approaches to breaking the cycle of poverty in children's lives. 2008 4,248 2012 0, Military Ministry EIN 95-6006173 2013 166,550, Chalcedon is the preeminent think tank of the Christian Reconstructionism movement (see: http://www.publiceye.org/magazine/v08n1/chrisre1.html), founded by the late Rousas J. Rushdoony. Christian Union events and magazine coverage have showcased numerous leaders who have been featured speakers at The Gathering including Eric Metaxas, the late Charles Colson, and Marvin Olasky. 2007 538,399 2012 5,252,804 Addressing a rally against same-sex marriage, according to USA Today was Family Foundation of Kentucky executive director Kent Ostrander, who in a statement that likened the legalization of same-sex marriage to martial law told his audience, Across the nation, it is tantamount to martial law on state marriage policies when relatively few federal judges are overturning marriage amendments that millions of people have voted upon and decided, 2001 4,000 2003 0 Teen Challenge As described in a July 14, 2014 Twocare.org report ( http://www.twocare.org/gathering-greens-etc/ ), during the September 12-15, 2013 at the annual meeting of The Gathering, held in the Alliance Defending Freedoms home base of Scottsdale, AZ, three generations of the Green family, owners of Hobby Lobby, were present for the event. On your first letter, you told me the phrase, "We love you." 2008 154,750 The NCF provided over 25% of the ADFs annual budget in 2012. 2001-2005 0 During his March 2008 visit to Uganda to promote his Purpose Driven program in Uganda, Warren told Orombi and other Ugandan religious leaders that Homosexuality is not a natural way of life and thus not a human right. First time logging in? As a young man, Peter Cameron Scott joined the Christian Alliance Training Institute in New York, run by Albert Benjamin Simpson who was the founder of the Christian and Missionary Alliance denomination. As described in this encyclopedia, in the entries on the Revival Prayer Institute, the Lilburn Alliance Church, and the Christian and Missionary Alliance, CMA has emerged as a major force in the war on LGBT rights in sub-Saharan Africa.
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