).I thoroughly enjoy. Chaos in the Ukraine, chaos in Venezuela, chaos everywhere the Empire is involved in any capacity and, of course, chaos inside the USA. the Entity out there with limitless consciousness, which sounds pretty much like God) through a link that in the west is ignorantly dismissed as intuition. As collapse intensifies, these Anglo American entities led by the USA will surely lash out in even more aggressive wars to maintain their unipolar world order that they have ruled over since the fall of the Soviet Union. One of his best pieces ever. Important message about the blog from Andrei, La campagne mene par le prsident Roosevelt pour inciter la guerre en Europe, Le plus vieux mensonge et pourquoi la fin de lempire amricain a t retarde, Le retour de bton des sanctions contre la Russie, La piaga sanguinante sulla coscienza dellumanit, Pi lento degli HIMARS: la Russia dice che abbattere il razzo GLSDB non dovrebbe essere molto difficile, O palco est montado para a Terceira Guerra Mundial Hbrida, Tratar Putin como um imperialista irremedivel colocou o Ocidente em uma posio perigosa, Teniente General Igor Kirillov denuncia la preparacin de una provocacin con uso de armas qumicas de Occidente contra Rusia, : . Browse for Dobie Gillis interviews, guest appearances, and call-ins. I dont know. You go under, and youre gone forever, and very quickly forgotten. the advent of the arctic fox but will, with any luck, be reborn into Dmitry Orlov has died on December 5, 2014. However, theoretically anything is possible. A number of people who commented on that essay at the Club Orlov site responded to this idea in various ways, mainly saying they would love to emigrate to Russia but were too old to do so. Which is what I would do if I werent old, broken, and broke. And women were emancipated for the first time in Chinese history. Its possible this long-remote karma of spiritual longing might still hold some embers. We have seen huge fires in sub-tropical rain-forests (unknown since White settlement), in temperate rain forests and alpine meadows in Tasmania (also previously unseen, probably for hundreds of years, at least). WellI just started in on this piece and already I have a major beefOrlovs notion that the dissolution of the Soviet Union was good for Russia. Press Esc to cancel. In spite of concerted politically motivated efforts by Ukrainian leaders to sever these links, many of them have stubbornly remained in place, for lack of alternatives. I used to think I had my own thoughts on Ukraine and inequality/European politics. I love Orlovs wit and general cynical attitude as it mirrors mine (perhaps not the wit). The Ukrainian language is some combination of southern Russian village dialects with a bit of Polish thrown in as flavoring. There is little doubt that young people, who have already been bled dry by poor job prospects and ridiculous student loans, have nothing to look forward to either. Support Jerm's work by becoming a member. I think he seems to understand the Ukraine and Russia relatively well though Im not in a position to question him on that but I do know something about the politics of NATO/EU/USA and their intentions and that Orlov gets. Under Hitlery the crazies will have a free hand and they will take the provocations to the next level. After suiting up for the Bruins for the first time on Saturday night (so weird), the two notched their first points with their new team Monday against the Edmonton Oilers.. Only the ancient Greeks had something that came close and that only for a short while. Long and extremely readable you never want it to end. The rest of the orc lands east of the Dnepr? alcoholism, violence, emigration and despair in the wake of the On April 16, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko announced that Kiev had submitted an application to the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, calling for coercive measures against Russia to release the Ukrainian sailors detained in Russia for having illegally crossed the Russian border near the Kerch Strait. First and foremost, it is a freak show, as attested by the content of Russian talk shows on which Ukrainian experts appear as clownish, indestructible cartoon characters: whenever their risible arguments on behalf of the Ukraine blow up in their faces, for a moment they stand there charred and furious, then brush themselves off and appear in the next segment fresh as daisies. Its always funny when the layman commentator attempts to opine on a technical subjectOrlov points to North Koreas use of UDMH rocket fuel as some kind of link to Ukrainian rocket technologywhich is ridiculous, because UDMH is an ideal missile fuel and has been used by every major rocket nation, including China, Europe, India, the US and of course Russia, The big advantage of unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine is that its liquid at room temperaturethis allows missiles to be fueled and kept launch ready at a moments notice for years on endyou cant do that with cryogenic fuels and oxidizers which must be cooled to hundreds of degrees below zero, and can therefore only be pumped into the rocket fuel tanks just before launcha huge military disadvantageUDMH is typically used with nitric oxide as the oxidizer, which is also room temperature liquidsome Russian ballistic subs still use UDMH and nitric oxide missiles and these liquid fuel rockets will always outperform solid fuel rockets, which are really just a big firecracker with a hole in the bottom, Also there is no reason to doubt that North Korea has developed its rocket technology indigenouslyone of the great strengths of the communist system is in educationparticularly the hard sciencesthe postwar Soviet Union made just about all of mankinds major aerospace technology strides pretty much single handedlyan example of how centrally directed action and resources can accomplish great things that a so called free market would never think to do on its ownthe US under Kennedy in the1960s marshalled the same kind of top down central planning with NASA and the Apollo programthis is the only way to do big sciencethe proof is in how quickly the US fell right behind again after the1970s when the free market ideology was again imposedanother example of this was the massive top down Manhattan Projectbut again it was the Russians that proceeded to develop civil nuclear energy and now dominate that global market, Incidentallyall the major scientific and technical breakthroughs were accomplished in the first half of the 20th centurynuclear energy, rocketry and the jet engine foremost among thesethe improvements since then have only been incrementalmicroelectronics is not actually very important to anything other than consumer applicationsalthough it has made possible the internet and the quite massive ramifications that kind of point to point mass communication has on both the spread of knowledge and the average citizens ability to resist misinformation and indoctrinationalthough it seems very few are actually availing themselves of this capability. The policies proffered by the opposition Labor Party are laughably inadequate, but only a quarter or so as inadequate as the ruling regimes supposed policies (which they will repudiate if re-elected)but they are drawing truly demented and fanatic opposition, primarily on the basis of cost. Russia has been resisting calls to grant official recognition to these two Peoples Republics or to provide overt military support (weapons and volunteers do filter through from the Russian side without any hindrance, although the flow of volunteers has been slowing down of late). About the only ones with any passion among them are the Nazis who march around with torches and sport Nazi insignia. The Essential Saker IV: Messianic Narcissism's Agony by a Thousand Cuts, The Essential Saker III: Chronicling The Tragedy, Farce And Collapse of the Empire in the Era of Mr MAGA, https://saker.community/product/sevastopol-the-third-defense-2013-2014-a-premonition-the-move-south/, https://saker.community/product/an-incident-on-simonka-a-novel-by-r-h-auslander-pdf-ed/, https://saker.community/product/never-the-last-one-a-novel-by-r-h-auslander-pdf-ed/, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hooded_crow, http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/60309, https://www.ghostsofhistory.wordpress.com/, https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/what-does-your-connection-is-not-secure-mean, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLVIbPtNrVo&t=4s, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUGh1Su7-ok, http://thesaker.is/why-do-i-live-in-the-usa/, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikita_Khrushchev#Early_years, Terminology (last update January 25th 2021), Moderation Policy (UPDATED December 13th, 2021), The Essential Saker III free PDF download, Making sense of NATO strikes against Russia. From what little I have seen of the people east of the Dneipr (from guys like Graham Phillips and Patrick Lancaster), they seem like the sort of folks who could do quite a lot of rebuilding themselves. 1. The key is, for Putin to either get on with the program or get out so new non-liberal president can do what needs to be done. The Saker: How would you assess the current situation in the Ukraine in terms of social, economic and political collapse? experience of the event. After that point the Ukraine will lose access to Russian natural gas as well. And if you are able to plant a lot of trees, please do so at your earliest convenience. , , . Where is the EU heading in your opinion? More recently, laws have been passed that severely restrict the use of Russian. Russian Flashmob Sings Famous WW2 Song (Smuglyanka). To understand what seems likely to unfold, have to first delve into the technosphere's ontology: what does its emergent intelligence software it run on? ;). This is a process that should take place and will be completed. And the fourth This ground represents a controlling wedge in the Earth Island one the West is about to lose. Russia has finally lost her soul with the end of USSR. Dmitry Orlov interview: Are Americans prepared for a Soviet style This country was so different back then, people were so much friendlier, laid back, way more trusting but that was before the dogma of Neoliberalism really kicked in. This worries me as such people have a way of wanting to stay in power at almost any cost, and not always considering the well being of the country. Political machinations and intrigue as we have known them will be going spectacularly bye-bye, and not in the far flung future. Seraphim Rose Discusses the Jewish Question - Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Englishman Drives Off Satanists and Rescues a 1000-Year-Old Church, When Knights Surrender Their Sword The Problem of Effeminate Men, Married at Age 16, Has 11 Children, Loves Her Husband, Lives in Russia, VIDEO: A Legendary American Monk Who Inspired Christians in Russia - Fr. Your navy would be loathe to sail into foreign waters knowing that they could be sunk without so much as a chance to fire back. One of the most informative, well written, and frankly enjoyable to read, pieces I have read for ages. From a purely cynical perspective, this little war is useful for Russia.
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