Continue east to an abandoned hut. There are a couple of other things to pick up while you're here: a Token of the Dryad in the bushes and a Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag by the lake. The next thing you want to do is claim the Outskirts which cause 14 days to pass. Afterwards, speak to Rismel. The ranger will join your group. STR: 10, DEX: 18, CON: 16, INT: 16, WIS: 12, CHA: 10. This monstrosity has 60HP and an extremely high AC (24) so make it second priority since the other creatures can't really harm you. Afterwards, you will have to choose a name. Go a short distance left after disarming the first trap and you will find a log with some minor loot. It locks you out of something else shortly. The time passed will probably trigger the next throne room event. Hostilities will ensue. There's a log nearby to cross the ravine (Mobility DC19) which saves some backtracking. Head up the stairs and kill the two Redcaps. It's more-or-less immune to fire. Backtrack to where the slope forked and go right. You may want to bring Regongar with you along with Valerie if you've built her as a Sorcerer. Vesket will tell you to go and speak to Stishchak in the Spirit Hut. He wants you to take him to any dwarven ruins you find. When they're dead, loot another Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag from the undergrowth near the rocks. Be sure to buy the Bag of Holding in his stock - you should easily have enough gold. You are looking for the "[Lore (Religion) check passed]" option which is required for the best outcome for Harrim's personal quest. Lots of trolls, typically in packs of four. Head upstairs and speak to both Kanerah and Kalikke to find out more about them. He deserves to be hanged in chains! What do you know? Among the dead bodies and other carrion is a Dying Dwarf. The check itself is DC17. You can rotate the plates and select certain symbols. Dialogue (Bartholomew - Varnhold Chapter), Dialogue (The Cursed King/Queen - Bartholomew), SadisticMageBefore (e50a599961407de41a55b5cd87045364), Dialogue (The Nature of the Beast - Dimwit), "Of Transmutations and Bodily Poisons", Part I. For example, a Wizard with their high Intelligence would work best as a Magister or Treasurer. Across the road, is spot where you can climb up to a small area if you pass an Athletics Check (DC22). This is for later but there's something you might be able to do now. STR: 10, DEX: 14, CON: 12, INT: 19, WIS: 8, CHA: 12. You might expect by now that there will be some tough creatures up here and there are: two level 14 Owlbears. Head southeast from the dead Troll. There are a couple of Tatzylwyrms and a Greater Tatzylwyrm in your way but they shouldn't be more than a minor bump in the road. Bokken will somehow figure that he needs to test the potion on himself and will undergo a surprising transformation. Turn around and head northeast up the path. Go to the left bank of the river where you will find a hard-to-spot (for you, the player; the DC is 7) cache containing a Shard of Knight's Bracers (2/10). If you need to waste the last few hours before an Ancient Curse develops, just head out onto the world map near your capital to make time pass. That would have come in useful just now! Return to the world map and make your way southeast from the Ruined Watchtower. You will pass the Sapphire Field kingdom resource which is well worth claiming. The Greater Trollhound drops an Amulet of Natural Armor +2. They're mostly low level and no threat. At the same time, you will learn about the existence of Hodag a monster that Amiri requires in her personal quest. You probably witnessed the "cleansing" he talks about. If your main character is a Paladin, you're in luck. When you reduce his HP to 0, you will unlock the Fire. She stole the money to pay for a printing press. This basically tells you when you need to pay attention to the place. Start making your way west and south. At the top are three traps and a pair of patrolling Redcaps. Continue east and cast Delay Poison (Communal) when you see the purple miasma. There is another path up the hill here. Exhaust his conversation options to learn that a spirit calling itself "Great Ancestor" is manipulating Vesket, the village chief. You can cheese the Owlbears. Together with the clue from the bas relief ("using several natural elements"), you are supposed to figure out that you have to target the other pillars with cantrips: Doing so will open up a secret room behind. The Silky spams Hold Person and Hideous Laughter, targeting the character with the lowest will save so kill her as a priority. Sense Vitals is useful on anyone who can cast it. Chat with Vesket, then go outside and walk into the building on the right. The Evil choice gives you a ruby while the Good choice secures you an emerald. There is a hidden panel in the far wall containing a Potion of Heroism. Show him the coins you gathered from the Ancient Will-o'-Wisp and his pals for an XP reward. Ask what they were arguing about and they will tell you about the danger posed by the Scythe-Tree. Instead, make a Mobility check (DC22) to cross the gap to where you fought the wolves earlier. Go back to the previous room and go through the door to the west. You have business there, so pay it a visit. However, this benefits you not at all so I suggest you keep it. Backtrack to the start of the level and go back upstairs. There is a loot stash on the right-hand wall near the entrance. Buff up and head down to meet the trolls. Head south at the first junction and then turn west. Win or lose, Valerie will get something to remember Sinnet by: a scar across her face. This house belongs to Brevis who is a trader. If you brought a rope, this should be an easy check. Return to the bandit room. It seems that Ditael, another of Nazrielle's apprentices, has run off with the weapon that Nazrielle was crafting for you, initiating her artisan quest. There's some worthwhile loot there if you want to grab it. Grab a diamond from his remains. You'll probably want to take a little time to level up your advisors at this point since there is nothing else pressing. For the time being, don't go out of your way to claim resources, but if you're passing and have the BP, you may as well. The quest will be completed. Ask whether he's interested in operating exclusively within your barony and you will be able to make a reasonably straightforward Diplomacy / Intimidate check to get him to agree (assuming the ruddy RNG doesn't roll a 2). Amiri will announce her intention to kill the creature. When they're dead, you'll have a tricky series of speech checks (DC30). The Nereid will summon a Huge Water Elemental and use Confusion. Do not go through the gate. There are also traps, including on the supposedly safe path to Bartholomew's house. Remove any armour from the party member with the highest Athletics ability, quick save and interact with it for a storybook segment. You will have a number of options to deal with him. The area is littered with traps. Shaynih'a will ask you to visit her to update her artisan quest as well. Bartholomew comes across as a perfectly normal person for a wizard, but if the player explores his shed they can find out that he is performing brutal experiments on a captured troll named Dimwit to unlock the secret of regeneration and immortality. The enemies don't drop loot worth a damn but there is a locked (DC30) chest to the south of them with a Light Shield +2. Go the trader nearby and buy Varrask's Tools for 50G. There are a couple of outstanding companion quests and nothing more urgent to do. Go inside. At some point, Bokken will visit to give you your first gift. Note that even when you have the BP and a Treasurer, the Trade Agreement with Surtova will almost certainly never pay for itself and pillaging the Temple of the Elk locks you out of a decent kingdom upgrade for marginal benefit. After a couple of rounds, they will be joined by two Greater Giant Spiders. If you brought Jubilost along just to see the ruins, it may be worth a trip back your capital to change to your first-choice companion. Search to the right of the Hodag's Lair to find a Shard of Knight's Bracers (5/10). Agree to let the guards escort you to Varnhold. Act 2 - Troll Trouble An Ancient Curse You start off in your new capital, which occupies the former site of the Stag Lord's Fort. The trap cramps your style quite badly so make sure you have your ranged attackers take out the Shaman. Grab a Torag's Pendant from a cache and continue along the wall. There's a tough enemy encounter here but a nice weapon to grab as well. You can try the Dexterity check but ringing the bell has the same effect with no chance of failure. He will ask you to put the coins on Erastil's altar. One of the chests is a Mimic. Return to Oleg's Trading Post. Open it up for a unique suit of armour, Blessed Path, and a large quantity of gold. Don't go into the ruins just yet. There is another container in the room with a Torag's Pendant and minor loot. Bartholomew's House I've played through the Troll Chapter probably 10 different times, and every other time, Bartholomew's area gets invaded by trolls at some point, I go there and save him (or fail to), and he asks me to recover the black whip. Honor his request and select the first option to instantly go to the enemy. Letting him keep the armour locks you out of Dragn's masterwork for no benefit whatsoever while killing him will cause the quest to fail. Cast Delay Poison (Communal) and head east where you will come across four Greater Monitor Lizards. There's a scroll in a bush if you feel a burning need to pick it up. Select the "show the herb" option and you will get an errand to being her three mudleaves, gloomberries and dizzyheads. Make your way down the map to the village gate. Before leaving the area, grab a stash of minor loot (locked, DC22) to the right of the exit. The containers hold minor loot. Note that if you do not order him to stop, you may be able to recruit him as an advisor later. Assign an advisor to it right away and wait one day for it to complete. Continue east and you will find a Spectre wandering around. The one nearest the exit (DC19) contains a Dwarven Urgrosh +1, the second contains minor loot while the locked (DC21) container in the bonfire contains a Starknife +1 and a scroll of Raise Dead. A short distance past this is another War Wisp encounter. You will to some rocks which require an Athletics check (DC22) to climb. Head there, in the upper right corner you will meet two fairies Falchos and Tiressia. Continue round to a fallen tree leaning against the wall. You will have an alignment option when responding to him. Unlock the door to the south. Otherwise You will be fighting Jazon, who is a Branded Troll, a second Troll, a Troll Rock Thrower who skulks at the back of the room doing what he does best and a bunch of Kobolds including a pair of shamans. Afterwards, he will pick you out of the crowd and suggest that you show your devotion to the people by offering up your life in sacrifice. You can ask about the child to learn how he's being treated.
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