You slammed the textbook that was laying in front of you, shut, and slumped your head onto the table. Steve awkwardly looks away and scratches the back of his neck. I need to get changed. I swear I didnt mean to hurt you or make you uncomfortable. How many asses did you kick? It was at that moment Peter was hit with the realization that he had a crush on his friend. He avoided your eyes. it is sexy to see a man that you are dating, with hickeys that you gave", "you set me up on a date with your uncle and i won't say a word about peter's hickeys", i laugh "it's a deal. Meanwhile, your father was waiting for his newest recruit to show up and learn more about this superhero thing. You can still bring your mark up back to an A, Ned reasoned. You looked out the window where you heard the sound and saw the dark shadow of a familiar looking red and blue figure. Is Spider-man not allowed to flirt with his girlfriend?, Spider-man has a girlfriend, huh? ave. Do something exciting or funny., You dont know what possesses you to do it, but you turn your head and place a kiss on Peters cheek. Its so good to have you back. You were now fully awake, searching the room for any immediate threat. Reader and Peter have a secret relationship hidden from all the Avengers including her Dad, Tony Stark, but then suspicion grows among the team. I just hope I dont get rejected, you say nervously. You set your bag down beside Peters desk and plopped down beside him on the bed. You know those moments when your unconscious mind takes over and makes you say or think something and immediately you have instant regret and start hating yourself for saying or thinking that thing? Thats the only word you could use to describe how you felt at the moment. A peter Parker x reader where its like a life class thing he and reader a partners and they have to take care of one of those plastic babies together and they accidentally start acting like an old married up. Y/n is the daughter of Tony Stark. You looked down at your tray, noticing Peter had gotten you peach slices instead of apple ones, Babe, you whispered, You know peaches make me break out., Peter looked at you, the look in his eyes saying he was offended, I thought you said apples did that., You shook your head, sighing, Ive said it a million times., Should I go get you something else, babe? Steve doesnt talk about his past because he thinks you dont like hearing about it. The look must have meant something but you shrugged it off. God, she looks so kissable right now, his mind thought. You know, you spoke again, breaking the silence, not that I mind staring at your pretty face, but I came here to hang out with you. You wanted to give him a welcome back kiss but you were brave enough to try and see what his reaction would be. You pulled away seconds later. Sitting crouched over in bed for hours wasnt ideally healthy, but alas, who cares about their health in college? Im gonna do it. Wondering what you meant by that. Yeah, well I couldnt exactly leave my friend hanging, he says. Peterparkerxreader Stories - Wattpad Not all of our problems. Your aunts here, Pete. Then he pressed his lips to yours. The time of your alarm clock flashed in front of you as you tried to finish typing up your essay for English class that was due the next day. I wouldnt think about it too much. Steve patted him on the shoulder. A/N: Hey everyone! I dont know why Wilson insists on having a night lecture when he knows damn well that no one will be paying attention. Peter slumps down beside you on the bed and takes a peek at your screen. It made sense to you. Peter hadnt planned to stay so late but apparently he felt bad for letting you care for your baby alone. #imagine A/N: Yall Im still obsessed with Tom Holland and I cant get out of this Spiderman phase aaahhh!!! He slammed his leg onto the bottom of the table and hissed as he stumbled. Shed kick me out if she walked in on us making out or doing something else, you said. Something had definitely changed within you because, instead of looking into his eyes, you looked at his lips. What is it?, Um You look around the cafeteria to make sure no one would overhear you if you speak. Do you need to sit down? Your dad is always helping him out with his powers.". We can work that in, right?, I dont think so, You responded, trying to explain without seeming rude towards MJ and Ned, Dont forget you have that fundraiser May is holding? You have an 83 in that class. Out of all the days he got a good look at your soulmate tattoo, it was the day he happened to see the same one on another person. these are inspired by pinterest. GIF by tom-cinnamonroll-holland. Theres a moment of silence before Peter lets out a quiet, Oh., Its okay if you dont like me back, though, you blurt out as your eyes find his. Then Hydra comes The marks looked painful. Youd been together for maybe four months, dating for a few weeks before that, but you still couldnt get over how adorable Peter looked when he was focused on something. Summary: College AU where you and Peter live together, Authors Note:reposted fic from my old blog which was also under the same blog name. He kept his face hidden from (Name), so she wouldn't see his smile and guess that he was the one who had put the rose in her locker. How was it? Peterparkersmut Stories - Wattpad Peter Parker Imagines: Feeling Heartbreak The Loss of a Legend Angel Caught Web Handed Wedding Drama Tom Holland Imagines: Coldplay-Yellow The Way You Look Tonight Power Couple FaceTime Call Misunderstanding You're My Girl Pt.1 Naughty Girl Hi, I'm Tom Grounded Lilianna Holland: Late Night Consequences Slow Motion Shattered Peter stood up from his place by the tub and, you thought he mightve decided to lead, but he approached you. Almost midnight, go to sleep, Peter answered softly. "U-uh. How was class?, Ugh, terrible as always. Blind AU | COMPLETED 2021 An eyelash., Oh. You swipe your hand lazily across your cheek. "I can't even see! Natasha went after him to try and calm him down. You see Peter physically force a smile on his face before he speaks. could you do a one-shot with Peter Parker, where you're his fraternal/dizygotic twin, and when Tony comes to visit him, you're there before Peter comes home from school and you're jsut really sassy and funny and stuff and when he comes back you follow him and tony to his room . Just tell him! You stepped in, but what you didnt expect to see was a red and blue figure standing in the middle of your room. Everyone came over to give their own hug and pushed you around like a little sibling. Yes you are right! He pulled away from you and smiled. "See . If you see a male specimen hanging around the tower or god forbid about to step into your room, you are to report directly to Tony Stark. With everyone gone, the tower felt so empty and quiet. That dude is like ridiculously in like with you.. Authors Note: repost from my old blog. 6.7K 147 5 upcoming blurbs based after 'just out of reach' and before the sequel 'if you need me' Im a little afraid of what youll say. Natasha teased you as she drank her coffee. All I can think about is Ms. Murphys class and how Im not gonna get accepted to any university or college if I dont pass the stupid exam with at least an eighty percent., (Y/N) Peter trailed off. Hell know not to do that again in a hurry. I spent like 3 hours searching for this fic thank the lord!! Another few minutes passed in comfortable silence. Peter let out a throaty groan and flipped the two of you over so he was on top. What did you do? You stayed silent for a moment. With exams coming up pretty soon after the Christmas break, you wanted to gauge your eyes out and jump off a cliff, or do anything really that would make the suffering of school go away. "Morning Wanda, morning Y/N," he greets. #vulture How can you sleep at a time like this? You asked, looking down from your place sitting on top of your bathroom counter. "No problem!". No, its not, Peter interjected, smiling at you, I think we have the same brain or something., Yeah Your voice trailed off as you stared back at him, Weve been spending so much time together., You guys have been inseparable, MJ said and Ned retorted, Youve been sleeping at her house, Peter., For Romeo! Peter defended himself, Romeo likes having both of us there. Its New Years Eve, the busiest night of the year. Wanting a more normal lifestyle as a teenager in new york, she convinces her dad, Tony, to l. spidermanhomecoming peterparkerimagines tomholland +5 more # 5 'Just Out Of Reach' Series Blurbs by marlie b. Oh fuck. Its new years eve and instead of having fun, youre studying. Youre fine. As you were making a quick sandwich for yourself, your hair shifted away from your neck. It was obvious in the way he held doors open for you whenever you were together, the way he always complimented you, the way he always had the look of love in his eyes when he was looking at you, and especially in the way he told you he loved you for the first time. Hell, you didnt even know how to comfort yourself. Im so tired.. The aliens weakness is light, but no one quiet got that during the invasion, wh TW A/N: I dont usually write pure fluff (im assuming thats what you wanted) but this concept was interesting to me! Suddenly, the baby stopped its shrieking. Your excitement died down a little when you saw the look on Peters face. Oh jeez, are you okay? (will later also hold all the blurbs following 'if you need me' once the sequel is A girl moves into a warm and welcome home and falls in love with Peter Parker. You didnt make me uncomfortable. ", Steve shot up when he heard Peggy's name, but refrained from saying something. What the fuck? All tiredness leaving your body, your eyes shot open to find your handsome, shirtless boyfriend towering over your body. Its fine, were fine, Peter said quickly when Aunt May stuck her head in through the doorway. But it wasn't home, he and you knew that. It kept you up at night. - After an exhausting mission, Mantis announces something Bucky intended on keeping quiet. Cocking your head at him, for some reason, hearing that he wouldnt comment even if you did get close with someone else, made your stomach sink a little. Peter decides to come along and put you out of your misery, Spending Friday night with Peter Parker and finding out that he has abs. If you see a male specimen hanging around the tower or god forbid about to step into your room, you are to report directly to Tony Stark. Thanks, Aunt May, you giggle. Just as you had done every day before that. Dont worry about it. #wattpride Masterlist "Look I just think it's good if we spend sometime apart, maybe try again in a couple months" y/n spoke. Come on, dont just smile awkwardly. How about we forget about math for the rest of the night and watch Mean Girls instead., Dont you have to patrol tonight? Completely shocked and horrified, you rolled over and got up, thankful that no one was around to witness that. Conclusion, you mumble continuing to stare at your screen and type. The unspoken rule in the Stark tower is that there are no boys allowed in the leader's daughter's room. You were tired of work, tired of college, tired of sitting and staring at your laptop trying to write an essay, tired of being tired. You were left back at the tower to watch over things and deal with the government men in suits who were giving the Avengers a hard time. "Alright then, Peter Parker. Featuring: Peter Parker and you :), mentions Ned Leeds. What? You cant expect him to be thrilled to be gone for a while and come back to see you cuddled up with someone., I have no idea what youre talking about. Some days, it looked like just a blob of black ink, and other days you were actually able to make out what it looked like. How much left? he asks, slipping into bed beside you again. You really wished you could have been enjoying the night, maybe hanging out with your friends or at Times Square, but there you were, at home and alone. Authors Note: i know i havent posted in a hot minute lmao so here you go. "I actually had to help Peter with this topic last month," Steve nodded, and your face turned to confusion. Earlier that day at school, you had asked Peter, Ned, and Michelle if they wanted to go out after school and maybe get some churros and hang out. Peter Parker x Reader Your stomach immediately sinks as soon as you notice the expression change. i thought i could but i can't" he says, tony bursts into the room "peter, your aunt is on the phone and wants to speak to you", i take it from tony and put the phone up to my ear, "oh hi, y/n. Stop, you muttered. He gives you a shy smile before he leans down and covers your mouth with his. When you two were alone, things got heated fast. as well as enjoy fellow Andrew Garfield simps. I was here the whole time you guys were gone and no one came. You really did get the better end of the deal when you started dating Spider-man. He chuckled at your reaction. You notice his eyes flicker down to your lips for a second. He gets upset when were not together., MJs eyes narrowed at the two of you, unsure of what the hell had changed over the last few days. Ugh! "You're my soulmate?" Yeah, thanks (y/n).". Thor and Steve looked at each other confused. are you the one leaving all those hickeys on peter? Mostly because you had been holding in your pee for almost half an hour and if you didnt go right now, youd pee your pants. Mr. Tony's jaw dropped as his fingers brushed over the random mark on your neck. He continued fiddling with the gadgets in his hands and you took it as an opportunity to study him. He was helping him get better and making the best time of switching into his suit, and when he saw black ink on his upper arm, Tony gasped. I always tell you that you work too hard., And we have that DIY project for our two week anniversary with little Romeo., You nodded, Right, I want everything to be perfect for the in-laws, but you guys are totally invited to our celebration., Peter shrugged his shoulders, looking at Ned and MJ, Sorry guys., Ned, I think weve entered the twilight zone.. You refused to leave until he said something; you were incredibly headstrong and wouldn't leave until you two made up. Y/N! Spinning around, you saw Peter making his way towards you. #holland Tony was preparing himself for the worst, unsure of what would come out of your mouth. It was Peter Parker who was very happy to see them both. ", "isn't it weird if they date? Its just one complicated question that youre over thinking. spiderman homecoming. Peter Parker X Reader | Quotev Cause in that case, I like you too. Peters fingers fidget with each other and you look at them instead of his face. he certainly can't afford to be with his soulmate when they do show up, not when there's a chance he won't come home one day from bein. Ah! Peter exclaimed dropping to the ground with a loud thud. Prompt: You are an Avenger and Clint Bartons daughter. And you were half asleep, groggy and half deaf because of the stupid fireworks outside, but Peter was kissing you and you loved him. Are you hurt? My boyfriend is so hot., Shut up, he mumbled. I would be frustrated too, As he cooed at the fake baby, you couldnt help the smile that tug at your lips, But your Mommy and Daddy have things to do. He held himself up with his arms and pressed his lips to yours needily. Whats going on in here? He locked himself in a stall and stood back trying to breathe and calm down. You straddled his lap as he lay in the bed with you on top of him, peppering his face with kisses.
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