The cadenza is followed by a closing section played by the orchestra that begins quietly and ends loudly and decisively. Which best describes the scale on which this opening melody is built? From which of the following pairs would you choose the most likely composer of this example? You can see from the diagram below that an accompaniment (green shading) has been added underneath the melody (blue line) to form a homophonic texture: In a strictly homophonic texture, the parts or voices move in step with one another rather than having contrasting rhythms. 0:28, Which of the following correctly describe the first two verses of the Dies irae from Mozarts Requiem? Fill in each blank below with the Vocabulary word that completes the analogy. 0:37. However, is is also not strictly homophonic as the rhythms of the piano part do not exactly match the vocal line. slow, low notes with faster moving higher notes. :20, One characteristic of this excerpt that suggests it might be from the Baroque Period is: Its rhythm is short-short-short-long. M2 - music and society - Which term best describes the texture of this she begins with the same melody, and then makes some changes. What is the overall texture of the final couplet of Josquin's Ave Mariavirgo serena? 1:00, The following musical excerpt is from a recitative. You have heard the first section, in which two themes were introduced, and a second section, in which segments of those themes were expanded and developed. How does this music sound different from what came before? QUESTION 25, Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, Give Me Liberty! (00:18) False. Schuberts Elfking is a through-composed Lied that sets a text by Goethe. Where have you heard that rhythm? The rhythm you feel in a jazz piece that makes you want to move in some wayfrom dancing with your whole body to just tapping your footis called. Triple meter dances tend to have a more lively and fun quality to them, while duple meter dances tend to be more stately and serious sounding. From the following composers, select the one that best understood the intrinsic nature and potential of the piano as an expressive instrument: The following choral work, based on the German Bible, was written by: Est tenere vraiement. 1:33. List six vocal ranges. :25, Which of the following excerpts exhibits Baroque rhythmic characteristics? Which best describes the speed of the beat at the beginning of this piece? Listen to the statements of the subject and answer from the beginning of this fugue again. During the Baroque period, the term sonata was used for musical works _____. What best describes the solo verse section? :35, Which of the following describes this example? Is the range of the third entrance higher or lower than the second? (play 0:32), The composer of this excerpt is c Which of the following is an example of increasing tempo (accelerando), and the increasing excitement that goes with it? Venit ad Petrum was often used as the cantus firmus for the mass. This instrument, which was very popular during the Renaissance, is called a: According to the text, the Renaissance period was known as: The following example is played on an instrument that was very popular during the Renaissance. _____ Which best describes the relationship between the voices in this excerpt from the beginning of the fourth movement (the exposition)? The music is the same but the text is different from the second line. (play 6:03). (afternoon of a They may well be singing at different octaves (a little girl in the crowd is going to be singing at a much higher octave than an older man), but it is still a monophonic texture as they are singing in unison. The work includes sustained pitches in the bass known as pedal points. In general, operatic arias of the Romantic period, for example those by Giacomo Puccini (1858-1924), provide good examples of homophonic music. What would you expect next? Listen to this excerpt from Beethovens Fifth Symphony, first movement. Which best describes the ensemble performing the Chorale fantasia? The vocal technique illustrated by the following example is known as::21. Stories were based on "real people," and the music was light and humorous. Example A (Player :20) insistent and marchlike Which best describes the ensemble performing the Chorale fantasia? Diffusion Let us complete them for you. (V, The solo female voice in this excerpt is a ________. The quick, repeated notes in the piano are meant to convey the image of a galloping horse. yellow-fugal texture. The texture of this excerpt is::32 The composer pictured above is best known for taking older forms and styles and redefining them in modern ways. Which of the following important events took place during the Baroque period? Singing without instrumental accompaniment, as heard in this example, is called. Which of the following is the process of getting oxygen from the environment to the tissues of the body? The music is in a quick, duple meter, and the three themes stated in this movement are mostlyhomophonic in texture. Which of the following were sacred genres in the Medieval period? 3. and true tenor. This work is a through-composed Lied. When the scherzo returns after the contrasting section, how does it sound different from the first time you heard it? The following excerpt is an example of Renaissance a cappella choral music. 2.a. Which of the following is a false statement? What do you learn about Don Giovanni from Leporellos lyrics? The father sings lower pitches than the son. The opening of Act III of Dido and Aeneas features basso continuo only. c singing in the vernacular should be the basis of Christian worship. 0:21 True or false: Tchaikovsky made the B section of the Dance of the Reed Pipes different by changing the . The lower voice sings a single long note. The recapitulation begins with the fiery four-note motive, which you hear at the very end of the excerpt. Correct label: VARIATION 4. True. b is a lot of polyphonic imitation. Although imitation can be used in monophonic styles, it is more prevalent in polyphonic art-music especially from the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Which best describes the Elfkings music? The overall dynamics of this excerpt are best described as:(fortissimo requiem), What is the texture of this excerpt? The instrumental section that opens the movement and returns throughout it is called a ritornello. Which of the following is not an overture by Beethoven: Which of the following were important composers of the Classical period? Ma fin est mon commencement In what other line do you see the first line from the poem ("Ma fin")? That means we have two sections of music that repeat: ritornello + chorus (A) and the same ritornello + chorus (A). Elegance, delicacy, softness, and playfulness, The following excerpt comes from a famous aria in one of Mozarts most enduring operas. d are instruments. Listen to the excerpt. forte to fortissimo, followed by a decrescend (requiem), Which term best describes the tempo of this excerpt? But the accompaniment for that first theme changes in the recapitulation when a(n) oboe plays long-held notes higher than the strings. Basso continuo; The Doctrine of Affections, The following excerpt is an example for which style of recitative? How else does the second section contrast with the first? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is the overall texture of the final couplet of Josquin's Ave Maria virgo serena?, What is the vocal range of the first voice that sings in this excerpt?, What is the meter heard in this section of the work? What best describes the texture of chant? meandering melody. There are four music textures that you need to understand: In this lesson we will look at definitions and explanations for each musical texture in turn. First-movement concerto form begins with the orchestra playing several themes that you will hear later in the movement. Which best describes the relationship of these four voices to one another? The slow and melancholy triple meter expresses Didos lamentation at Aeneass departure. CH 39 LISTENING QUIZ_ Chopin_ Polonaise in A Major, Op. Which group was credited with inventing the recitative? The symphony had its origins in the overture, which was the introductory music for Italian opera. The 4 different textures that I am going to explain will help you describe what each of the different parts are contributing to the overall sound. The next theme has higher pitches than the first theme, and it is played by. 5. VARIATION 3. : CH 14 LISTENING QUIZ Notre Dame School Guade, CH 18 LISTENING QUIZ Palestrina: Pope Marcell, CH 55 LISTENING QUIZ Berg: Wozzeck, Act III,, CH 53 LISTENING QUIZ Stravinsky: The Rite of, CH 52 LISTENING QUIZ Schoenberg: Pierrot luna, Byron Almen, Dorothy Payne, Stefan Kostka, International Trade Chp 3 International marke. 12.1 Soils, Fertility, and Plant Growth - The Science of Plants c (:14), Listen to the following selection. The first voices you hear are sopranos. When the opening theme repeats, it is played by woodwinds. latin. What members of the brass family are featured playing solos in this excerpt? What best describes the text setting of the first section of Ma fin est mon commencement (My end is my beginning)? Listen to the excerpts, then complete the . Correct label: The middle section is best labeled a "trio." How do you think the audience would react to them? How is this work sung in this recording? Which best describes the melodic movement at the beginning of the closing theme? b English 1. This composer pictured above wrote The Blue Danube, arguably the most famous waltz of all time. There are several false entries in the middle section including at least one instance of overlapping statements of the fugue subject and answer, a compositional technique known as stretto. Se retrograde et einsi fin. (:01). :24, The following excerpt is most likely from a: :39, The following excerpt is most likely from a(n) VARIATION 2, Listen to the excerpt, then fill in the blank in the sentence below. CH 22 LISTENING QUIZ Bach: Cantata No. 140, Wachet auf, Nos. 1 and 4 Which best describes the overall form of this movement? word painting :08, Beethoven is sometimes referred to as "The Father of the Symphony.". What language is heard in this work? I hope it helps summarise the topic for you: You do not have to choose one texture to use for the whole of a piece of music you are writing. (:11), The following excerpt is not an example of triple meter. Bachs Mit unsrer Macht. Example A (player 15:33) a. a cappella Match the descriptive words or phrases with the different elements of music as found in Brittens Young Persons Guide to the Orchestra. After the first statement of the subject in the middle range, you hear the answer in a different range. Which term best applies to this example? What music does the soloist play in this excerpt? :21, What is the name of the technique used in the following excerpt? d typical choir was all male. The movement is in a slow duple meter. (Note that the "Amen" of religious texts is considered an add-on and not part of the main text.) c. Protestant Reformation. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. c. Peters in Rome Have a look/listen to this example of polyphony O magnum mysterium by Toms Luis de Victoria (1548-1611). They make some comments to one another, beginning with "You hear?" (Ave Maria) triple. What do you hear here? (Play :17). homorhythmic. Machauts music expresses the puzzle of the text. Which of the following characteristics are associated with the rococo style? the four voices play two or more melodies sim. The Thirty Years' War. Byron Almen, Dorothy Payne, Stefan Kostka. If others in the the crowd join in then this is still a monophonic texture they are all singing the same tune in unison. Two simultaneous pitches of the same letter name and pitch (e.g., C, G, or D) constitute a harmony. Lets start with the simplest musical texture to define and describe monophonic. According to the text, which of the following are Post-Romantic composers? (requiem), Which best describes the scale on which this opening melody is built? Where are tempo markings usually written in a music score? Which best describes the relationship between the instrumental voices in the trio? What best describes the dynamics (volume) of the first theme? What does the triplet rhythm in the piano accompaniment symbolically represent in this song? Identify this composer. What best describes the form of the slow movement from Haydns Emperor Quartet? How do the four-note motive and its short-short-short-long rhythm unify the first movement of Beethovens Fifth Symphony? d. Palestrinas Pope Marcellus Mass was likely performed He is a music teacher, examiner, composer and pianist with over twenty years experience in music education. a MUSI3405: Final exam listening samples Flashcards | a. First scherzo theme in C minorC major theme in a fugal styleRocket theme followed by pizzicato stringsTransition to next movement. Which best describes the music you hear after the statement of the minuet theme? When the opening theme repeats, it is played by woodwinds. Listen to the excerpt. The line "cum Sancto Spiritu" begins with three voices. What instrument first introduces this languid melody? (:19), Does the following excerpt move mainly by disjunct, conjunct, or repeated tones? You can see this clearly from the sheet music: However, if the singing is accompanied by an instrument, a band or an orchestra (as it usually is when a national anthem is being sung at the start of a sports match), or if some singers start to harmonise the melody then the texture becomes more complicated. Create three research questions that would be appropriate for a historical analysis essay, keeping in mind the characteristics of a critical r, Carbon Cycle Simulation and Exploration Virtual Gizmos - 3208158, 1.1 Functions and Continuity full solutions. My end is my beginning The form is through-composed, the text setting is primarily syllabic, and the texture is predominantly homorhythmic to clearly express the text, foreshadowing the recommendations of the Council of Trent. Each of the three sections is in two-part form, or binary form. Overall, the dynamics of this piece (not just this excerpt) move from. Which of the following are correct descriptions of chant? It expresses strong emotion through extreme loud and soft dynamics, wide pitch ranges, and a variety of timbres. This is immediately followed by repetition of that melody, called an answer, which is in a different voice and begins on a different pitch but retains the same contour, or shape, of the subject melody. (player 3:11). According to the text, in rondo form, the repeating themes are separated by: This piece of music is an example of: The same instrument continues into a cadenza, a short solo passage played freely. (:03), The following excerpt represents melody with harmonic accompaniment. Which of the following most significantly helps in creating a solemn tone in the piece? What is the vocalist doing during this excerpt? Which statements are true about the fourth variation on theme 1? Et mon commencement ma fin. Which character is singing in this excerpt? Which of the following statements best characterizes the "mood" of the Romantic period? Singing demands a greater supply and control of breath. You can get your paper edited to read like this. Quickly and professionally. 10 points There is no break between the third and fourth movements of Beethovens Symphony No. 1:54. Soil texture refers to the relative proportion of sand, silt, and clay particles in the soil. 0:33. . The following example was composed by a musician whose career exemplifies the dominance of composers from Northern France and the Netherlands during the Renaissance. A 1000 kg aircraft slows from 100 m/s to 50 m/s over a distance of 200 m during landing on a flat runway. (play :25). What happens when Leporello begins his aria? Which one of the following pairs of words or phrases represents the two main concepts behind Baroque music? What best describes the manner of singing during the dialogue (recitative)? (player :37). (play :22), Which of the following examples represents secular music? homophonic 100 is characterized by regular duple meter, homophonic texture, and a ternary structure. (:18). Which of the following Italian tempo terms best applies to this selection? Baroque Music Period - What is the diver's speed (in m/s) when he hits the water? :40, Which of these examples is a recitative? The themes from the first section return. Which best describes the opening of this piano sonata? Which of the following composers wrote this symphony? Which of the following terms does not refer to a basic musical texture? Which melody are the sopranos singing? The fugue enters four times, each in a different "voice." it is longer than the choral "Alleluia" section. A string [ ] is composed of two violins, one viola, and a cello. [player :42]. Musical Texture refers to how different layers of a piece of music are combined to produce the overall sound. Which one of the following excerpts may be classified as chamber music? 5 is in sonata-allegro form, a musical form that functions like a novel or a film script. 7. :29. b sang the upper voices, and men sang the lower voices. Which themes are manipulated in the development? The first theme combines quick rhythms with longer notes and is played by strings and embellished by woodwinds. music is meant to reflect the literatechnique known as:(requiem) l meaning of the words being sung, a word painting The overall dynamics of this excerpt are best described as . Which of the following was NOT a popular form during the Renaissance period? 1:54, performed by chorus with orchestral accompaniment in a slow tempo and at a loud dynamic (forte). This work is a four-voice fugue. :46, Which would be the most likely composer of this example? Group I NAWM 60, Tallis, If ye love me Monday, October 26. Listen to the audio clip. (:09). My third part three times only When you describe the texture of a piece of music, you are describing the relationship of melodic and (sometimes) harmonic elements with each other. (play :30), This excerpt is an example of c is monophonic. Which of the following statements correctly describe Schuberts Elfking? The Elfkings lines in the poem are sung in a middle register in a major key. The scherzo opens with a rocket theme in the low strings. Which of the following is NOT a chant of the Proper of the Mass? virgo serena? :21. Gave full expression to a wide range of feelings, dreams, and the heroic human potential. Which best describes the tempo of this excerpt? 4. :33, The following musical excerpt is from a recitative. Which of the following choices is the defining characteristic of polyphony? In this broadened definition of homophony, most contemporary pop songs that have a melody and accompaniment could be considered to be homophonic. :47, Which statement reflects the musical features of the following music example? How many times do you hear the fiery four-note motive in the coda? 1. What best describes the relationship among the voices (the texture)? Brittens Young Persons Guide to the Orchestra has an eight-measure theme in D minor based on a tune by Baroque composer Henry Purcell. Midterm Flashcards | 4. c. It is played by different combinations of instruments. In singing we use wider ranges of pitch and volume than in speaking, and we hold vowel sounds longer. (4:32), Which excerpt is an example of accelerando? c is monophonic. :22. Goethe 5? :47. OnMusic Appreciation - Final - Market-Research - A market research for Lemon Juice and Shake. Which best describes the bass line in the third section? Which part of the form is this? In contrast to the Renaissance, where vocal and choral music took center stage, instrumental music established itself as the most significant genre of the Baroque period. Which best describes the music for the third line of Machauts song? :40, The dynamics in this example is best described as: The movement is in sonata-allegro form. Imitative texture: Imitation is a special type of polyphonic texture produced whenever a musical idea is ECHOED from "voice" to "voice". After the silence, the soloist plays the cadenza, which features bits and pieces from themes blended into virtuosic passages. A 0.12 kg. When a melody acquires significant importance within a given composition, it is called a: The most salient compositional aspect of the following excerpt is: (:35), The melody in the following excerpt is comprised of: (:24), The direction of the following melody can be best described as: (:05), The trumpet melody in the following excerpt can be best described as: (:03), The melodic material in the following excerpt can be best described as having: (:13), Mixed melodic directions with a transitional character, Does the following excerpt feature more disjunct, conjunct, or repeated tones? ONE VIOLIN PLAYS THE MELODY WHILE THE OTHERS PROVIDE ACCOMP. Sonata-allegro form was used mainly in works for solo piano and did not apply to works for larger ensembles. Which of the following Italian tempo terms best applies to this selection? The piece ends with a fugue where each instrument family is again featured in succession. Chapter 16 Listening Quiz: Machaut: Ma fin est mon commencement (My end Which is NOT a true statement?, The overall harmony in this work is best described as, What best describes the texture of this excerpt from the first section of Ma fin est mon commencement (My end is my beginning)? As a result, they are often considered to be forming a same-sounding texture hence they can be considered to be homophonic. 5 is in a major key. Which of the following is a composition for an orchestral ensemble? (player 1:30). The sacred text and overall musical style of this example suggests that it is part of a/an: very large Usually, folk tunes, songs, spirituals, and hymns are not good examples of strophic form. Heterophonic music is where a melody is varied by an additional voice/part at the same time as the original melody is being played. This piano piece exemplifies: What music does the soloist play? He sings at higher and higher pitch levels. : An excerpt from her new thriller will appear in this weekend's magazine. Which phrase best describes the key relationships in this excerpt? 0:35. We can say that the harmony in the following example is typical of the Classical period because it features: (requiem) What is the form of this chorale? Which best describes the form of the trio? Put the following items in the order in which they appear in the third movement of Mozarts Eine kleine Nachtmusik. What is the meter heard in this section of the work? True Verismo is a style of opera that used emotionally charged melodies and harmonies to depict everyday people in melodramatic situations. It might be made up of rhythm only, or of a melody . 5. 5? dancelike, Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, Which term best describes the texture of this excerpt? Musical Texture refers to how different layers of a piece of music are combined to produce the overall sound. (play :13), This excerpt is most likely from a Which of the following statements regarding Beethovens Fifth Symphony, second movement, are correct? strings and flutes clarinets, oboes, and bassoons military percussion trumpet fanfare. The main shape of the second theme (the highest melodic idea in this excerpt) is ascending. (:22), The following excerpt is consonant. After a loud, decisive close similar to what you heard at the end of the exposition, the orchestra stops playing. c. harassment Subscribe to our mailing list and get FREE music resources to your email inbox. During the Baroque period, the musical feature that lent harmonic support to the main melodic line of a composition was called: The musical features of the following example suggest that it comes from a/an: The following excerpt features characteristics of polyphonic texture. What best describes the music in the coda, the closing section of the fourth movement? The new ritornello material is followed by new music for the chorus. 2.a instrumental accompaniment. The second theme is played softly. that don giovannis words about comforting Donna Elvira, Before Elvira begins to sing her aria, you hear an orchestral introduction: (Ave Maria) soprano. 0:41. Ma fin est mon commencement 8. [player :52]. Correct label: Which correctly describe this section of music? 0:21, When you hear the first variation, how is the opening theme altered? Which best describes the texture of the following excerpt? You also get things like the warranty card, certificate of authenticity, an excerpt from a short story themed around the Stellar Horizon, and a trading card. Which best describes the texture of the following excerpt? The text setting of the upper voices is melismatic. :55. The text often determines the musical form of a piece, and its meaning may guide composers decisions. descending. Which of the following is the process of getting oxygen from the environment to the tissues of the body? virgo serena? Please check your email inbox for a confirmation email to access the FREE resources.. we respect your privacy and will never share your email address with 3rd parties, New music out tomorrow - Miriams Dance Which of the following was NOT known as a composer of choral music? The motive is played a bit slower. Tempo and rhythm are interchangeable terms. Which best describes the texture heard in the opening of Josquin's Ave Maria? Which best describes the texture of this excerpt? In the recitative, a few instruments play simple chords, but when the aria begins, the accompaniment changes and the instruments play notes more frequently. An excellent example of this in pop songs is a vocal melody with additional harmonies. I cant believe he missed that shot. CH 19 LISTENING QUIZ: Glory Be Music for the Renaissance Mass The melody in this composition is representative of Romantic music because it: Is long, flowing, and singable Correct. (player 7:19). a cappella Have a look at this example of a sports crowd singing the US National Anthem in unison at the Ryder Cup: The crowd are all singing in unison with no accompaniment and so it is a monophonic texture. How is Donna Elviras rage expressed musically? The role of Leporello is written for a tenor. Identify the opera in question. Amen. it is a back-and-fourth conversation between don Giovanni and don Elvira with side comments by leporello. Which of the following important events took place during the Baroque period? Which best describes the form of this movement? The musical texture that consists of a single melody without accompaniment is called: Which Classical genre is represented by this example? Listen to the following example and select the genre that best defines it: We can say that the melody in the following example is typical of the Classical period because it is: It is in triple meter, Which best describes the music in the next section of the third movement? Musical texture refers to how melody and harmony relate to each other. :39, The following excerpt is most likely from a(n) (:16), The following excerpt is an example of duple meter. Match the descriptive words or phrases with the different elements of music as found in Schuberts Elfking. Ma fin est mon commencement 2. a 0:31, THIS IS NEW MUSIC. Which instruments comprise the orchestra in the aria (song)? It is for four-part chorus (SATB) and orchestra. (5:59), Which combination of beat and tempo is present in this excerpt? Fell free get in touch with us via phone or send us a message. Try to determine whether the beats are grouped "strong-weak-strong-weak" (duple meter) or "strong-weak-weak-strong-weak-weak" (triple).
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