Abroad, however, was another matter as Marys execution inflamed Catholic opposition and increased the threat of foreign invasion. Elizabeth I | Biography, Facts, Mother, & Death | Britannica Her arrival and ultimate house arrest were the result of her having to flee Scotland. "the threat of invasions was Elizabeth's main problem when she became queen in 1558" - 4th point + evidence. Elizabeth I: Facts About The 'Virgin Queen', Daughter Of Anne Boleyn This led to a rampage of Spanish soldiers and the sacking of Antwerp. As with the 1569 plot, she would marry the Duke of Norfolk. The Armadas journey back to Spain was a disaster. He was the son of King Henry VIII by his third wife, Jane Seymour.Throughout the realm, the people greeted the birth of a male heir, "whom we hungered for so long", with joy and relief. Write a paragraph or two. "the threat of invasions was Elizabeth's main problem when she became queen in 1558" - 4th explanation. - Threats of invasion or Elizabeth's authority were made worse by her financial situation. John White (another leading colonist) sailed back to England to report on the problems being experienced. As Catholics do not believe in divorce it means that the marriage between Henry and Catherine was never dissolved, and therefore, the marriage with Anne never happened, and as a result of this Elizabeth was an illegitimate child and had no right to the throne of England. For two weeks of the second half of November, Catholic mass was heard at Durham Cathedral too (with all evidence of Protestantism destroyed). VAT reg no 816865400. Elizabeth 1 - Foreign Policy - Revision Cards in A Level and IB History What he meant by this was he had inflicted significant temporary damage on the Spanish Armada and it would regrow in time. 1. It was estimated that Drake returned with approximately 400,000 of Spanish treasure from regular raids of Spanish ports in South America. "The Scarlet Ibis" would be a different story if it were told from Doodle's point of view. However, the Catholic Church bans divorce which presented a problem for Henry as he could not legally get rid of Catherine. Tel: +44 0844 800 0085. The threat of invasion was Elizabeth's main problem when she became Francis Drake led an attack at Cadiz on the Spanish fleet, who were preparing for an invasion of the English. England had lost the last of her territories in France during the reign of Mary, when Calais was lost. Importantly too, Elizabeths fear of the Auld Alliance was heightened by the fact that the Catholic Mary, Queen of Scots, had declared herself the legitimate Queen of England (owing to the fact that she was Elizabeths second cousin and the granddaughter of Henry VIIIs sister Margaret) and she had the support of many English Catholics. Anyone refusing to pay poor rates could be imprisoned and officials failing to organise poor relief could be fined. gcse history 16 mark answer - The Student Room - death of henry II. (1583) was a threat to Queen Elizabeth. What were the causes of westward The Student Room and The Uni Guide are trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. (*fragmentary*). Best Answer. A significant amount of the Spanish troops lacked the experience of naval warfare, whereas the English fleet was manned by experienced sailors. At the start of her reign in 1558, Elizabeth faced many problems it was a very tumultuous time for her. The aim was to rid France of heresy (Protestantism). The raid on Cadiz proved to be a major setback for King Phillips plans to invade England and delayed the Armada by more than a year. Elizabeth's greatest problem in 1558 was the threat of invasion. The strength of this relationship was shown by the fact that French troops were stationed on the English and Scottish border. Elizabeth had reinstated Protestantism as the official religion of England when she inherited the throne, but that did not mean that there were not still Catholics residing in the country. Surviving colonists abandon Virginia and return to England. He even came to England to meet Elizabeth and she even announced before some of her courtiers that she would marry him. Sue Gray quits the civil service to become Starmer's aide: is it a big deal? To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. It was a turning point: the rest of Elizabeth's reign was bedevilled by plots and rumours of Catholic rebellion. In this sense, the colonisation of Virginia should be understood in relation to the wider conflict with Spain. As King Phillip II ruled the Netherlands, he had control over the access to these vital Dutch ports and he could, therefore, limit English access. If this union between Scotland and France became something, Spain could help England by attacking France from below. Elizabeth had been in power for eight years by 1566 and it was at this time that the Catholic threat began to increase. When Elizabeth's reign began in 1558 England was in the middle of a 'mid-Tudor crisis'. Elizabeth sent an army of 14,000 men to crush the revolt, which lasted around a month (November to December). Use your outline Marys presence in England posed an on-going threat as she had a strong claim to the throne herself. What Problems Did Elizabeth Face in 1558? - 844 Words | Studymode Elizabeth, however, did not sign the death warrant until February 1587. Even though a truce was decided, there was still a constant threat from the Scots and French to the English security . Boston Spa, Pope Pius V excommunicates Elizabeth from the Catholic Church. Anne was executed less than three years after Elizabeth's birth. "the threat of invasions was Elizabeth's main problem when she became queen in 1558" - conclusion. In 1485 - 1603 To What Extent Was The Government Of England - Phdessay In 1560, Scotland was ruled by Elizabeth's cousin called Mary Queen of Scots (MQS). Two influential Catholic families the Percys and the Nevilles plotted alongside the Duke of Norfolk to overthrow Elizabeth and replace her with the Catholic, Mary, Queen of Scots (who now resided in England). The most important reason why Mary was a threat to Elizabeth's reign was the fact that Mary was Catholic. She was reluctant to execute Mary as she was Queen of Scotland and she believed in Divine Right that rulers were sent by God to govern their country. Another extremely important problem Elizabeth faced were the threats from the Auld Alliance of France and Scotland, two Catholic countries that England was sandwiched between. Coronation: 15 January 1559, Westminster Abbey. However, the Dutch had always governed themselves. The threat posed by the pretenders Perkin Warbeck and Lambert Simnel. One was debt. The plan was then for the combined forces would then sail across the Channel to England under the protection of the Armadas warships. To know the dates for your GCSE exams for 2020, you firstly need to identify which exam board you are studying for your subject. This attack proved to be a major setback for Spanish preparation for the Armada. Elizabeth offered support to the Protestant Henry IV of France but found him an difficult ally to get on with. Boston Spa, - send 2000 to rebels. Over the last 40 years there had been 3 different rulers, Henry VIII, Edward VI and Mary I all of which had very different views on religion and running the country. Before she came to the throne her mother Mary of Guise ruled Scotland while she remained in France married to the French prince Francis. The plots were often uncovered due to Elizabeths informants and Walsinghams highly efficient spy network. Save. Roberto Ridolfi was a spy of the Pope. Elizabeth I was Queen of England and Ireland from 17th November 1558 to 24th March 1603. Their union had brought peace between Spain and England, and Elizabeth's Privy Council hoped to maintain this. Dudleys campaign in 1586-1587 proved to be unsuccessful and he suffered heavy defeats at the hands of the Spanish general, the. - Invasion was a major threat because of the power of the countries France and Spain. This peace treaty between England and France ended the war inherited by Elizabeth from her half-sister Mary I, who went to war alongside her Spanish husband Philip II in 1557. Many northern nobles were still committed Catholics and wanted to see the restoration of Catholicism under a Catholic monarch. The leading figure involved in the plot was Francis Throckmorton, a young Catholic man who carried messages between Mary and Catholic conspirators abroad. PDF Subject: History Year: 10Lesson 3 - Schudio More significantly, she was worried she would have to adopt a secondary role in the running of her country, as the period was very patriarchal. Nevertheless, the answer has sustained conceptual focus and is wide-ranging in its analysis. The Act of Supremacy The queen's reassertion of control over religious matters was achieved via the April 1559 CE Act of Supremacy, once more closing the door on the Pope. This meant that Elizabeth was declared illegitimate as her claim to the throne comes through the marriage of Anne to Henry. They began to revolt against the Spanish. To counter homelessness and the begging/criminal activity that sometimes accompanied this, a law was passed that stated that, if found, vagrants were: 1) to be whipped and have a hole drilled through each ear 2) if found a second time would be imprisoned 3) would be killed if found a third time. Seeing Spain as a threat, Elizabeth tried to form an alliance with France. Life of Catholics in Elizabethan era | Laws against Catholics Another suitor for Elizabeth was Prince Eric of Sweden, later King Eric of Sweden. No Payment details required and completelyRisk Free. The English navy attempted some minor raids but they were largely ineffective as only 2 Spanish ships were lost, and these were by accident. In 1581, Protestant rebels in the Netherlands declared independence from Spain and established a Dutch republic. The first question to ask yourself when revising for GCSE psychology is which exam board am I studying? From 1566 the Pope had instructed English Catholics to take part in recusancy, and by 1570 a Papal Bull had been issued excommunicating Elizabeth and stating that English Catholics had no need to have loyalty towards their Queen and instead should help overthrow her. With no clear military successes for Dudley, he resigned his post in 1587 and returned to England. Level 4 is about analysis supported by a detailed line of reasoning, so embracing counter-arguments like this are encouraged (so long as they can be explained).].
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