AM STANDINGS. Priorities will be: 1) anglers that sign up for 3 or more events, 2) Anglers signing up with a pro/co combination 3) Date registration was received. Contestants may not cull or discard any fish in their possession once they have checked in at the check-in point. Professional and amateur designations are not applicable in the California team. Gas tanks must be properly secured or strapped in a boat. You may also live stream during a tournament. A penalty shall be deducted from the total score of the contestant. Angler of the Year includes total score of all 4 events. Various states require withholding tax on merchandise be paid upon the awarding of certificates and contestants awarded merchandise certificates in these various states are responsible for remitting this tax to WWBT. SAFETY: Safe boat conduct must always be observed by contestants. 25. In the event of a polygraphexamination, contestants may have tournament prizes withheld until such testing has been concluded. Permission is also granted to the WILD WEST BASS YOUTH SERIES and its affiliates including Directors, Boat Captains, and Team Parents to provide the needed emergency treatment prior to the childs admission to the medical facility. I agree that the delivery of an e-mail to my designated contact will constitute delivery to me. Contestants may not have non-contestants cut, dig, or removed obstructions once the off-limits period begins all the way through the conclusions of the event to access any water. Every board member, volunteer, and angling family must evaluate their unique circumstances and make an informed decision before joining or participating in WILD WEST BASS YOUTH SERIES events, WE hope this information will be helpful as you make that choice. Monetary prizes for each contestant will be awarded in equal amounts. $100 to the highest finishing team with Yamamoto baits in the boat. 7) A health screening upon your arrival at an event may be conducted by our event health officials, which may include a temperature check. 23. WILD WESTBASS TRAIL MOBILE APP: All contestants with a smartphone capable of downloading the WWBT mobile app must download the APP. SEE WWBT WEBSITE FOR OFFICIAL DATES FOR EACH EVENT. 20. MUST PRESENT ALL LEGAL FISH: after contestants check in at the official checkpoint they MUST present all LEGAL fish in their possession to a tournament official to be counted, measured and weighed. 6) Gathering of people may be limited as mandated by state or local government. You may also grab photos from social media to promote yourself and the club. ARIZONA TEAMS FINAL ENTRY DEADLINE: **With Late Fees** Roosevelt Lake May 22, 2021 Register Now! WWBYS Open Qualifier Registration - Jotform Duringa competition, each boat passenger must wear a Coast Guard-approved chest-type life preserver anytime the combustion engine is operating. B. 11 PRIZES: Prizes will be awarded after the tournament. Wild West Bass Youth Series reserves the right to revoke these exceptions, and the angler must remove the tournament-related content if Wild West Bass Youth Series in its discretion believes the content is inappropriate or in any way violates other Wild West Bass Youth Series rules. NOTE: If the team qualifies for the West Coast Championship they will need to be a member of WWBYS in order to participate in that event. WWBT will work with contestants to either refund entries fees paid or transfer those entry fees to our next team event scheduled for the CA Delta on April 18th, 2020. . No contestant may buy or barter a fishing location from anyone for use during any competition day. THERE SHALL BE NO EXCEPTIONS. Contestants may not have the assistance of another boat, person, or apparatus (push poles are allowed) to access any water. There shall be no excuse for tardiness and in no case shall a contestant be allowed to make up lost time. After proper recognition at the check-inpoint, contestants will be allowed ample time to proceed to the weigh-in site; however, all fishing must cease upon check-in. HORSEPOWER REGULATIONS: MAXIMUM HORSEPOWER FOR ALL OUTBOARD MOTOR BOATS USED IN OPEN TOURNAMENT PRACTICE AND IN TOURNAMENT COMPETITION WILL not exceed the limitations set by the U.S. Coast Guard. In the event of an emergency arising out of serious illness, the need for major surgery, or significant accidental injury, I understand that every attempt will be made by the attending physician to contact me in the most expeditious way possible. These rules may be changed by WWBT immediately upon notice to its members. Flying over tournament waters or the use of drones during the off-limits period, open practice and competition are not allowed. Membership does not guarantee the ability to enter a tournament. I further expressly agree that the foregoing release, waiver, and indemnity agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the law of the state in which the agreement is entered and that if any portion of this agreement is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect. ENTRY FEE Non- Member $100 per TEAM ($50 per Angler) No WWBYS Membership Required WWBYS Member $75 per TEAM ($37.50 per Angler) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Each Angler and Boat Captain must complete the online registration forms for Open Qualifier. Contestants failing to register in person during the prescribed hours may result in disqualification. Other rigs as specified above may be in boat ready for use; however, only ONE is permitted in use at any given time. Contestant agrees that the integrity and competitive honesty of fishing contests is paramount to any bass fishing tournament circuits continued existence and success. Still photos and videos taken by an angler during a tournament may be posted to social media and the anglers website after the tournaments conclusion. If a competitor has a personal camera person or crew following him on the water, that person or team must not get in the way of Wild West Bass Youth Series photographers or videographers who are covering the tournament. At no time may a Procontestant request that the co-angler contestant not fish. Contestants must be present and be able to hear their names called at the official weigh-into be eligible for contingency prizes. There are then two permitted methods of returning to the check-in: (1) by both paired anglers remaining in their boat and being towed by water, or (2) by one or both paired anglers entering the boat of another tournament contestant. Contestants may be allowed to compete under appeal. ANGLER CODE OF CONDUCT AND SPORTSMANSHIP: Contestants participating in any WWBT event shall abide by this code of conduct and the applicable rules for the event in which they are participating. AOY will be determined by the highest 3 finishes. Special off-limits periods will be announced for Championship Invitational events. Wild West Bass Youth Series also encourages anglers to send photos, videos, and updates for exposure on our social media pages. Wild West Bass Trail Register - Wild West Bass Trail | Facebook Unless for medical reasons they cannot wear a cloth face covering. If a member, I am currently in good standing with Wild West Bass Youth Series. Must weigh a legal fish per tournament to receive AOY points for that event. Example: I also hereby grant GreenFish Marketing LLC, Wild West Bass Trail, Wild West Bass Youth Series the exclusive right to reproduce, digitize and edit the Work at GreenFish Marketing LLC, Wild West Bass Trail, Wild West Bass Youth Series sole discretion, to publicly perform, publicly display and distribute the Work in any advertising, promotion, and production-related to the Project or any related program produced by GreenFish Marketing LLC, Wild West Bass Trail, Wild West Bass Youth Series. Failure to grant such access may result in immediate disqualification. No contestants will be allowed on Tournament waters after registration until the first day of competition. Must have current Wild West Bass Trail Membership ( SIGN UP HERE) Please note: LOCK IN deposits are non-refundable. In social media, you may use hashtags #WWBYS or tag @WWBYouthseries to amplify and spread your post to our social fans. Angler of the Year points will be awarded for the place of the tied position and each contestant will be awarded equal points. Based on 100 Boat Field. Subject to the appeal process set forth in these rules. BY SIGNING THE WAIVER AND ENTRY FORM EACH CONTESTANT IS ATTESTING TO ADHERING TO THE NO INFO AND OFF-LIMITS RULE. Quick Link:. In addition, I waive all claims to compensation or damages based on the use of such minors image or voice, or both, by either Wild West Bass Youth Series. P-Line $100 to the highest finishing team with P-Line in the boat. Kayak Series | Wild West Bass Trail I further expressly agree that the foregoing release, waiver, and indemnity agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the law of the state in which the agreement is entered and that if any portion of this agreement is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect. VIOLATION OR INFRACTION: EACH CONTESTANT AGREES TO REPORT TO THE TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR IMMEDIATELY ANY VIOLATION OR INFRACTION OF ANY TOURNAMENTRULES. 13) I, the undersigned, as the legal guardian or legal authority to execute this Individual Release and Hold-Harmless Agreement (Release), acknowledge and understand, that as an angler, parent of an angler, or legally responsible agent of an angler at selected events, Waive and release your right to sue GreenFish Marketing LLC, Wild West Bass Trail, Wild West Bass Youth Series, its staff, officers, directors, volunteers, and/or members. When advised by state/local government bodies anglers must wear a cloth face-covering in public settings if they can be safely managed while near another angler, boat captain, spectators, or other persons in the vicinity. Additional gas tanks that are factory options and installed by a manufacturers authorized dealer are permitted. Contestants must leave from and return to official checkpoints by boat. Pros will be assigned a boat number according to his/her take off position on day 1. Boat Captains, please fill out the boat captain membership form if you have not participated in a Youth Series event previously. In all cases, the Tournament Director and WWBT have the sole discretion to determine whether they or the Advisory Board and/or Rules Committee shall be responsible for adjudicating any given issue or dispute. PROTEST AND REPORTING PROCEDURE: ALL PROTESTS MUST BE BROUGHT TO THE TOURNAMENT DIRECTORS ATTENTION VIA VERBAL NOTIFICATION AND THEN SUBMIT A WRITTEN PROTEST WITHIN THIRTY (30) MINUTES OF THE LAST FLIGHT CHECK-IN TO THE TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR OR DESIGNATED TOURNAMENT OFFICIAL. Alabama rigs and similar umbrella-type rigs are limited to a maximum of five wires, five lures and three hooks (single or treble) unless state regulations are more restrictive, in which case state regulations prevail. The decision of the Tournament Director, his/her designee, or the rules committee shall be final in all matters. REGARDLESS OF WHEN A CONTESTANT ENTERED THE EVENT, THEY MUST HAVE ADHERED TO THE OFF-LIMITS PERIOD AND THE NO INFORMATION RULE. As a general rule, WWBT views this as a 20-foot fiberglass bass boat similar to a Ranger Z520L with the motor trimmed down under its own power. Membership fee for NEW members is $50 Wild West Bass Youth Series (WWBYS). Changing or altering standard factory parts of a contestants engine to increase the horsepower over the factory horsepower rating is forbidden and will result in disqualification. Only ONE (1) casting, spin casting or spinning rod and reel may be used at any one time. This applies only to emergency situations as determined by the Tournament Director or his designee. I also understand I must provide my personal cell number capable of receiving text messages from the Wild West Bass Youth Series. maximum of 18 gallons of gasoline in tanks that meet U.S. Coast Guard regulations. Contestants renting boat slips may launch boats and proceed immediately to slip location. All lures must adhere to state regulations. 31. I am aware and agree that by executing this waiver and release, that I am giving up my right to bring legal action or assert a claim against GreenFish Marketing LLC, Wild West Bass Trail, Wild West Bass Youth Series for my negligence. 28. Contestants compete in WWBT contests at the sole discretion of WWBT. I, the undersigned, do hereby consent to the use by GreenFish Marketing LLC, Wild West Bass Trail, Wild West Bass Youth Series of the image, voice, or both of the minor child under the age of 18 described below, in (1) the video, photograph, or audio recording described below; and (2) any video, photograph, or audio recording reproduced either in whole or in part from the video, photograph or audio recording described below: regardless of whether these materials are used for fundraising, advertising, publicity, or any other purpose on behalf of either the Wild West Bass Youth Series. During both the open practice and the tournament, a contestant may not have the assistance or advice of anyone for the purposes of locating or catching bass, nor enter the tournament waters with anyone who has been on the tournament waters during the off-limits period including, but not limited to, a professional guide, state or federal wildlife agency employee, or any other person deemed an expert on these tournament waters by the Tournament Director, unless they are a contestant in the tournament. Click only ONE of the options below, to populate the correct amount due. 37. ARIZONA TEAMS FINAL ENTRY DEADLINE: - Wild West Bass Trail | Facebook If contestants have any questions they mustapproach the tournament director. 122. Lake Oroville// Oroville // March 3rd-5th,2023, March 3, 2023 | 2023, News, Oroville Pro/Am 2023, ProAm. OFFICIAL TOURNAMENT DAYS (FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY). Ties Refer below. Staggered weigh-in times may be utilized to minimize gathering size. All such contact associated with engaging in events at the meetings or events within which anglers participate as members of WILD WEST BASS YOUTH SERIES it involves a certain degree of risk that could result in illness, injury, death, or loss or damage to person or property. I also hereby grant GreenFish Marketing LLC, Wild West Bass Trail, Wild West Bass Youth Series the exclusive right to reproduce, digitize and edit the Work at GreenFish Marketing LLC, Wild West Bass Trail, Wild West Bass Youth Series sole discretion, to publicly perform, publicly display and distribute the Work in any advertising, promotion, and production-related to the Project or any related program produced by GreenFish Marketing LLC, Wild West Bass Trail, Wild West Bass Youth Series. Upon request, Pros must make a back seat available for co-anglers each competition day. The favorable public reputation of WWBT as an organization in the sport of fishing, the integrity of its officials, and the reputation of its media properties are valuable assets and tangible benefits for WWBT. ONLY BASS AS DESCRIBED ABOVE WHICH MEASURE THE OFFICIAL LENGTH OR MORE ON THE LONGEST STRAIGHT LINE WITH THE TAIL PINCHED OR SWISHED SHALL BE WEIGHED. REGISTRATION: Each contestant must register in person with official WWBT staff at the time and place designated in the schedule of events. I also accept all risk of injury, death, disability, loss, or damage to my person or property from this activity and event even if arising from the negligence of anyone associated with this event or other GreenFish Marketing LLC, Wild West Bass Trail, Wild West Bass Youth Series events, its owners, employees, agents, representatives, affiliates, successors, and assigns from any and all claims or cause of action (known or unknown). With a high-stakes points system that combines catch count and weight, this league is a true test of skill, strategy, and endurance. Dead fish determinations will be made by WWBT staff member(s) in charge of the bump tank. The co-angler must buoy or tag each of their fish for identification before placing them in their designated live well. As soon as a contestant has caught one more fish than their tournament limit, they must cull a fish immediately to reduce their catch to the tournament limit. 62. In consideration for permission to voluntarily participate in tournaments, events, programs, and related activities conducted by GreenFish Marketing LLC, Wild West Bass Trail, Wild West Bass Youth Series, I acknowledge, appreciate, and agree that the risk of injury, death, disability, loss, or damage to my person or property from the activities involved in this program is significant, including the potential for permanent paralysis and death and while rules, equipment, and personal discipline may reduce the risk, the risk of serious injury or death does exist. I also recognize that WILD WEST BASS YOUTH SERIES cannot guarantee anglers will always stay at least six (6) feet apart due to the inherent nature of angling and related educational events. NO BOAT EQUIPPED WITH STICK STEERING SHALL BEPERMITTED. 52. By executing this agreement, I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the GreenFish Marketing LLC, Wild West Bass Trail, Wild West Bass Youth Series from any loss, liability, damage or cost GreenFish Marketing LLC, Wild West Bass Trail, Wild West Bass Youth Series may incur due to a presence at any GreenFish Marketing LLC, Wild West Bass Trail, Wild West Bass Youth Series. . 10 WAIVER AND RELEASE: As a condition of participation in each tournament, each contestant must execute a waiver and release of liability and a name and likeness release. A competitor is required to comply, even if he already has a personal camera mounted in his boat. DISQUALIFICATION SUSPENSION: Any disqualification suspension from or other disciplinary action regarding any tournament or fishing organization shall be grounds for rejecting any application for participation in a WWBT tournament and/or disqualification from a WWBT tournament after circumstances are reviewed by the Tournament Director. WWBT encourages Pro Anglers to assist Co-Anglers. A balance of field, one point each until end of field or points run out. Prior to the tournament registration, any questionable areas must be brought to the attention of tournament officials to be considered tournament waters and may be announced in the briefing for all to hear. In the cases were contestants do not have a tournament jersey of their own, WWBT will provide a WWBT jersey to the contestant. 57.LATE PENALTY: Contestants who are not at the official check-in point, as described at the appointed time shall be penalized at the rate of one pound per minute late to be deducted from 1) Any big bass award and 2) The total weight of his/her catch for that day.
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