These are the players who have devoted themselves to making Maestrea the best place it can possibly be, either by squashing bugs, fixing and refunding items, catching hackers, or just simply by moderating chat.
Player | Timezone (GMT) | Timezone (Normal) |
Soap_Turtle | GMT +1 | CET |
Jare | GMT +1 | CET |
Player | Timezone (GMT) | Timezone (Normal) |
Aze | GMT -5 | CST |
Flex_Seal | GMT +10 | AEST |
TribeMan | GMT +10 | AEST |
Ladster | GMT +1 | BST |
Luna | GMT -4 | EST |
ElliotJD | GMT | GMT |
Player | Timezone (GMT) | Timezone (Normal) |
Mietm | | |
FracturedDream | GMT -4 | EST |
Players | Timezone (GMT) | Timezone (Normal) |
Metallica4 | GMT -4 | EST |
TMSStudent3 | GMT -5 | CST |
Klozer | GMT -4 | EST |
DelusionalRubys | | |
Players | Timezone (GMT) | Timezone (Normal) |
Mr_Blank | GMT -4 | EST |
Players | Timezone (GMT) | Timezone (Normal) |
DarkHarmonics | | |
Ludvaf | | |
LightIcePlayz | | |
Jotarome | | |