

LWC is a plugin on the server which allows users to place a “magical spell” on various blocks to prevent or control access to chests, furnaces. and various other blocks.

Containers will lock themselves automatically when placed. To manually lock, type /lock or /cprivate, and then punch the block (

Note: You have a max number of protections, which increases as you play and rank up on server.
Use /climits to see this. Chest slots are plain chests, default slots are everything else.

  • Signs
  • Trapped Chests
  • Chests
  • Iron Doors
  • Wooden Doors
  • Brewing Stands
  • Wooden Trapdoors
  • Iron Trapdoors
  • Fence Gates

Always punch the block you are modifying after running the command to apply it.

  • /cprivate or /lock - Create a private protection
  • /cpublic - Create a public protection
  • /cdonation - Create a donation chest
  • /cpassword <Password> - Create a password-protected protection
  • /cmodify (name) - Modify an existing private protection
  • /cunlock <Password> - Unlock a password-protected block
  • /cinfo - View information on a protection
  • /climits - View the amount of protections you are allowed
  • /cremove or /unlock - Remove a protection
  • /cremoveall - Remove all protections owned by the player
  • /cpersist - Causes the next lwc command typed to persist until /cpersist is typed again. Used to make locking or unlocking many chests easier.
  • towny/faq/lwc.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/04/23 23:46
  • by dream