
Auction Commands

We all know it. Selling items can be a daunting task. But auctions make that so much easier! Here are some commands you should know for your first, or next, usage of auctions!

  • /auction start <amount> <price> <increment> <buyout> - Starts an auction on the item you are currently holding
  • /auction info - Displays current auction information
  • /bid <amount> - Bids on an active auction
  • /auction cancel - Cancels your auction
  • /auction ignore - Ignore all auction messages
  • /auction spam - Reduces spam of auctions
  • /auction queue - Shows current upcoming items in auction
  • /ah - Pulls up the auction house
  • /ah sell <buyout> <price> <increment> - Puts the item you are holding into the auction house
  • skyblock/faq/commands/auction.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/12/03 17:16
  • by dream