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Workers earn job xp and money for you. How much they earn is based on your jobs level. To see how much they earn per tick use /jobs info (jobname). It is listed under Misc. as worker.

You can select from most jobs, except Trader which cannot be leveled with workers.

They must be paid dungeon coins to work. Each copper coin adds 10 sec of time to a worker. To add coins, open the /mWorker menu and choose which worker you want to add coins to. Fro the worker's menu click the gold nugget to deposit all coins in your inventory.

They do not work when the player is offline.

You can buy and manage them with /mworker

They cost 100k each and you must have (100 total jobs levels) x (Total number of Workers) to purchase them.

Meaning for 1 worker you must have 100+ active jobs levels to purchase it, 200+ active jobs levels to buy the second worker, etc.

First make sure they have time remaining in the /mworker menu. If they are out of dungeon coins you will need to pay them again for them to continue working.

Then check that you have the job they are working active. You must keep that job active in order to continue earning xp and money.

  • towny/faq/mworker.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/04/24 13:01
  • by dream