Shop Commands
The Shops warp has shops player can rent to sell their items. If you plan on renting a shop to sell your goods, here are a few commands you may want to know:
- /as help - Shows a help page, and more in-depth information on the shop commands.
- /as rent - Rent a shop
- /as unrent - Unrent a shop
- /as me - Check which shop you own
- /as info - Get information on other shops
- /as tp <shop id> - Teleports you to a specific shop
- /as settp - Allows you to set the teleport location of your shop
- /as addfriend <playername> - Allows you to add a friend to your shop
- /as delfriend <playername> - Remove a friend from your shop
- /as find - Easy way to find an empty shop
- /shopscan -Holding an item and using this command or typing /shopscan (item name), will scan the entire market and show you where these items can be bought or sold, and at what as tp's they are located.